We Ride

We Ride

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2020-02-20
  • 类型:Single


"We Ride" is Kevin Shin's 2nd single from his upcoming EP, that brings out a "Millennial James Dean" feel. The record is for those people who have set their minds to a certain goal or destination & pursue it with 'tunnel vision.' Life at times can be like 'an open road' with no real end in sight; you can spend so much time in search of inspiration, to know what you're doing is working for you & you're making progress, but regardless you keep pressing forward. "We Ride" brings Shin's signature asian sounds in production along with lyrical lines that accompany a smooth, soft vibe. It blends the East and West culturally as well as bringing out Shin's melodic vocals throughout the track. 《We Ride》是Kevin Shin即将发行的EP中收录的第二首单曲。歌曲听上去给人一种千禧年新"詹姆斯·迪恩"的感觉。 这首歌是唱给那些有着坚定目标,不言放弃,对理想从一而终的人们。生活有时就像一条看不到终点的路,你可能需要花很多时间去寻找生活的灵感、去感知生活中的苦与乐,但无论如何,你都要一直向前... 《We Ride》的制作展现了申凯文一向擅长的亚洲音乐元素,同时伴随着平稳流畅的歌词,营造出轻松柔和的情绪。 全曲将中西方文化自然融合,也凸显了凯文优美的声线。

