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There are several church leaders that believe this so called "modern expression" of Gospel Music has ruined a generation of young believer. Many wondered how some artist can bring SUCH GENRES into God's house. But the word of God says for us to, "Sing unto the Lord a NEW SONG." (Ps.96:1) Well, this artist truly has offered unto the heaven's a new song. His metaphorical lyrics, neck breaking musical progressions, and most importantly anointed testimony will inspire his listeners to stand firmly in God while encouraging them the remain stronger. To the world comes this Theological Pastor who changes the face of the Gospel Rap/Song Game that makes you want to "rewind" and listen again search the scriptures and say, "WOW!!! That is in there." "I come to destroy the yokes, bondages, and strong holds that keep our listening ears & minds deceived. I am called, sent, chosen, anointed, appointed, and divinely created for such a time as this. I have a contract with heaven. My praise is my passion and my prayers have power! Choose ye this day, who you shall serve..." -REP - See more at: http://www.valormusicinc.com/daminister_rep/#sthash.C0Ib1GkW.dpuf