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Please write a REVIEW at the bottom of this page, THANKYOU! *Cover painting for sale (38X50) $10,000 Marta Wiley releases 100 albums: 2007 releases- SkullPrincess, Flaw, BraintheSoul, LoveunderWill, Amnesia, WoundedLittleGirl, TheMissingLink, Icarus, Markmywords, WatchMeRise. 2006 releases- SoulAssasins, Killwithalook, SpoonBender, Stricken, Widdlemedown, RaisingHolyHell, Sistersatan, Treasure, Joylessboy, Kidnapyourself, Prythemelon. 2005 releases- Corporate RockStar, WireHangerBaby, HeavensComingDown, LostDaughter, Hybrid, EnviromentalTerrorist, MyBeloved, Replaced, WitchHunt, FuckFame, Swan&TheStarryVault, AtomicLove, ScreamingFairy's, ToxicAngel, BrokenButterfulyDreams, MotherofMercy, 2004 releases- Unknown host, Red honey, Flesh Flower, Dragon Queen, Omega Theorem and the fair Maiden Voyage, God is a girl, La La Land, Mechanical heart, Spacepagan and Radioactive, HathorsSister, 1997-2000 realeases-w.o.m.b.warriorsofmakebelieve,w.o.m.b.kinetic music for the people. If the album is sold out please go to any of these digital sites to purchase Marta Wiley's music; Apple iTunes ,LoudEye ,MusicNet ,EMEPE3 - ,Etherstream Music4Cents ,Viztas, Mperia ,Emusic ,MP3tunes MusicMatch ,OnlinePromo ,RuleRadio ,DigiPie Napster ,MusicNow ,BuyMusic ,Bitmunk ,Ruckus DigitalKiosk ,AudioLunchbox ,Liquid Digital Media NextRadio ,Tradebit ,PayPlay ,Rhapsody NetMusic, Mouzika ,WrapFactory,Puretracks ,Interia GroupieTunes ,MP3-Extension ,MusicIsHere MOD Systems ,Destra ,Choice Records ,Inprodicon Icarus I have to leave, I'm caught in your misery. You said you would come but you left me alone, dying in the sun. Dying in your sun. I know I shouldn't break, I know I shouldn't take, you say that I should behave. But all I want to do is hate. You left me dying in your sun. Dying in your sun. Icarus icarus you flew so high into air and what did you see did you see a flash of hair in the sun so beautiful and young but your wings were made of wax and the sun was like an ax in your heart and your eyes did split apart because you flew to close to the sun! Now I am dying in your sun, icarus icarus you fell to hell. Now I'm dying in your sun. Now I'm dying in your sun. Now I'm dying in your sun. I love you more than myself I love you more than the sea. I love you more than the sun. I love you more than anyone, I love you more, more than anyone. More than all the burning suns in the universe in the galaxy and beyond I love you more than anyone else could ever love you. I love you like the god of love, I love you like the godess of love, I love more than god. I love you more. I love you more than I love myself, I love you more than I love myself. If you leave I could kill myself, or if you leave I could kill you instead, but I love you more than I love myself, so I will let you live and I might kill myself.