Anthology Of Macedonian Folk Song, Vol. 1-5
- 流派:World Music 世界音乐
- 语种:英语
- 发行时间:2007-01-01
- 类型:录音室专辑
- 歌曲
- 时长
ANTHOLOGY OF MACEDONIAN FOLK SONG THE BEAUTY OF THE MACEDONIAN MUSICAL TREASURE COLLECTED IN ONE PLACE In 1994 and Mr. Zoran Damjanovski, the executive director of MISTER COMPANY, which was young and only 2-3 years in existence then, came to an idea to publish a folk music compilation on a then also young new sound media such was the CD. This compilation would encompass about 20 songs of the Macedonian folk music heritage, without having in mind that one day such an initial and modest idea would be transformed into something that you are holding in your hands today a real anthology edition with which we can all be proud. His initial ambitions were to publish two CD's, which as a sound carrier slowly took over the primacy over the audio tapes and records and offered unsurpassed audio quality compared to the other medias. Everything actually started after the first meeting with the well known music author Mr. Nasko Dzorlev, who immediately accepted the offer his orchestra to be the one to play and his studio to be the one to record this CD anthology, which was supposed to have a feeling of a live performance without pauses between the songs. That is the reason why the first CD contains 4 mixes of songs with 5 songs in every mix. By the way, the first CD was recorded in the same studio together with the recording of the songs for the Ohrid Folk Festival, which was held only that year and never again, but which helped in gaining contacts with the musicians present for further cooperation. Mr. Dzorlev was the music producer of this CD, but, later on, this job was taken over by our famous accordion player, as well as music producer and writer, Mr. Milan Zavkov for the next four CD's. Mr. Zavkov, as a music producer, is also responsible for the musical notation/figuration (transcription of the notes). Not only that he produced the songs, but the written notes in the songbook included into the anthology are results of his labor. For the good looking design of the notes, namely for the graphic design of the musical notation the responsibility falls on Mr. Marko Kolovski from the Cultural and Art Society “Tanec”. Since there was an attitude that this should be a distinguished compilation of a valuable and appreciated Macedonian folk songs, the most esteemed performers of the Macedonian folks songs were invited: Mrs. Vaska Ilieva, the duet Selimova-Zelceski, Mr. Aleksandar Sarievski, who's recordings on this anthology are among his last if not the last ever. And, so, the first CD of the then still unplanned collection was published. Anyway, only 5-6 songs out of the total 100, contained in the anthology, are not recorded under the production of MISTER COMPANY, but were brought as finished recordings. All other songs are produced and recorded specially for this anthology by the publisher. The phonogram producer Zoran Damjanovski in an attempt to speed up the publication of the next CD's traveled to Belgrade and met with the manager of PGP-RTS (record production house of the Serbian state television that owns a significant amount of recordings from Macedonian performers) with a goal in mind to buy-out licenses of the recordings from the Macedonian folk performers, but, unfortunately, or better yet, fortunately no mutual business interest could be found, which today allows us to proudly say that we own an authentic product fully recorded in Macedonia. Mr. Damjanovski, as a phonogram producer of this one, and all other music projects stemming from the company invited other bands and singers, for which an opinion existed that they should not be left out from a project such as this one. And here we are not talking only about Aleksandar Sarieski and Vaska Ilieva, but also for other singers such as Vidanka Gjorgjievska, Petranka Kostadinova and Violeta Miteva. Mr. Damjanovski remembers well that the whole project team, except the tone mixer guy, had to leave the studio in one moment so that Mr. Sairieski would be able to better concentrate, this being hard on him because of his advanced age and sing properly “Zajdi, zajdi jasno sonce” and “Bog ubie debrani,” because nobody was able to perform these two songs better than him after thousands of performances. All of this shows that the production company took into account the fact that not only the right songs need to be chosen, but also the right performers for them, so that the professionalism, the experience and the long years of performing particular songs would be shown in the anthology. The duet Selimova-Zelceski traveled from Belgrade specially for the recording of couple of songs included in the project, and the phonogram producer Damjanovski was forced to travel to an isolated village of Gorno Konjari and invite the performer Krume Spasovski to sing just two songs: “Ergen odev” and “Vcera vecer aber dojde”, for the second CD simply because it was considered that nobody else could do a better job when it comes to these two particular songs. On the last CD a mix of four songs from one of the most famous and almost legendary performers, Goce Arnaudov, was recorded. The exceedingly popular performer Orce Stefkovski - Carot (“The King”), who cannot be called legendary because of his relative youth, is also present, but his songs will most certainly continue to live and achieve their own existence for the future generations. When it comes to the folk music bands included in the anthology, for sure we need to mention “Makedonski merak”, “Slavna Debarca”, “Makedonski melos” and “Dzorlevi Orchestra.”Beside the need to take care about the right performers and the appropriate folk musicians and bands, the anthology also had the duty to keep in line the thematic outreach of the Macedonian folk music. That is the reason why the anthology contains revolutionary, patriotic, love, emigrant (nostalgic) and other types of folk songs according to the importance, use and popularity of the particular genre. Somehow the revolutionary (patriotic) and the love songs have supremacy compared to the others having in mind the bloody Macedonian history when it comes to the revolutionary songs and the fact that the music was always used to express the intimate feelings when it comes to the love songs. After the recording of the second CD, which contains 18 songs, the production company somehow understood that it embarked on a project which is far larger than a double CD compilation and that the project would have to be far larger and extended to up to 100 songs to fulfill the role of anthology no mater how many different CD's need to be recorded. Mr. Damjanovski, in his role as a phonogram producer says that under his opinion the Macedonian musical folk treasure can be presented with 100 songs with a measure of dignity. Of course, the wholeness of the Macedonian folk music cannot be included into 1000 songs, nevertheless 100, but this number was considered as containing enough material to satisfy the need of the anthological approach and to include the best, the most well known and the most loved songs of our folk music heritage. From year to year, or once in two years, in the second half of the '90-ies and at the beginning of this decade, one by one the CD's were recorded and the anthology slowly gained its shape. To secure the required quality for an exclusive project of this type, the technical side needed to be flawless in every way, which was achieved with the help of our long term partner SONY DADC, an Austrian branch of SONY, the international giant in many fields when it comes to technology. SONY DADC deals with technical services of CD mastering and duplication among others. All of the CD's from the anthology are duplicated in Austria and MISTER COMPANY is by far the largest and most loyal client of this company from Macedonia with over 50 different CD's duplicated in a total circulation of 60,000 to 70,000 copies in a period of one decade. After the publication of all of the 5 CD's, the company began to think how to present such a valuable and precious edition to the general public and came to the idea whose result is the product you hold in your hands exclusive publication with flawless quality, as well as look and feel to present the Macedonian folk music in a dignified and direct manner through the music, through the notes and through the verses. Another important gain from this anthology was the contacts the new production company established with the Macedonian folk musicians and folk bands. Namely, as a result of the cooperation during the preparation of the anthology, indirectly or directly a recording of about 30 albums were agreed upon with musicians and bands contributing songs to the anthology. It can even be said that this anthology represents a jumping point for the strengthening of the production in the area of the Macedonian folk music for MISTER COMPANY as a relatively young production house in the middle of the '90-ies and for the folk music in Macedonia in general, because MISTER COMPANY is one of the very rare, and now, unfortunately, maybe even the only professional production house whose specialty is folk music in the whole country. At the end, as a symbolic moment about the reach of the anthology, about its musical desires and about what lies in the essence of the Macedonian musical folklore is the fact that the first CD begins with the song “Raspukala Shar Planina” sung by Mr. Aleksandar Sarieski, and the fifth and final CD ends with the song “Oj, mesecino novino” sung by Mrs. Vaska Ilieva, meaning the first and the last song are sung by the two greatest music legends of the Macedonian folk music, which shows in the best way the stage of development of the folk music in the second half of the last century and the beginning of this one.