

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2016-09-27
  • 类型:EP


Fiùran (Sapling) is a Scottish Celtic rock group that showcases an eclectic assortment of original and cover material with vocals sung predominantly in Scottish Gàidhlig. Three of the group’s five members (Stephen Dick, Dave Mandel and Randy Waugh) played professionally together 37 years ago and after diverse musical careers, reunited to record an album to compete in the 2017 JUNO world music category. The band rounds off its lineup with Canadian and US Scottish Mòd vocal gold-medalist, Krista Grant, and Downbeat award winning guitarist Zach Stuckey. The band not only fuses together multiple generations of musicians, it fuses together Jazz, Rock and Celtic music into a unique blend that will capture your imagination. Faodail (A lucky find) is Fiùran's first album. ~~ Songlist ~~ 1. Gillies (The Sleeping Tune by Gordon Duncan/The Noose & the Gillies by Perry Gauthier) (medley). Fiddle – Krista Grant; Keyboards – Dave Mandel; Guitar – Zach Stuckey; Drums – Stephen Dick; Bass – Randy Waugh. • The Sleeping Tune is a beautiful haunting air written by Gordon Duncan a short time before his untimely death. Gordon is considered to be one of the best bagpipers Scotland ever produced. The Noose and the Gillies is a smashing Reel written by Canadian bagpiper Perry Gauthier. A special thanks to Perry for agreeing to let us record this great tune. The arrangement is inspired by Wolfstone, a Scottish hard-rock/trad band. 2. Èirigh na grèine Halifax (Halifax Sunrise by Randy Waugh). Composition of words/music – Randy Waugh (lyrics included). Vocals, Low-D Irish whistle, fiddle – Krista Grant; Keyboards – Dave Mandel; Guitar – Zach Stuckey; Drums – Stephen Dick; Bass, Great Highland Bagpipes, Scottish Small-pipes – Randy Waugh • Èirigh na grèine Halifax is a song about leaving the country under an assumed identity while carrying national secrets that could potentially have an effect on all of humanity. It is about leaving a place that one will never be able to return to. Halifax Sunrise was inspired while I was writing Evening Song, my second novel. If you purchase the book from at Smashwords.com, you will receive 50% off the posted price by using code: NH75C 3. The Dark Island (Written by Iain Maclachlan, David Silver) Vocals – Krista Grant; Keyboards – Dave Mandel; Irish Whistle, bagpipes – Randy Waugh • The Dark Island is a beautiful haunting melody about Benbecula and was used as a theme for the 1962 BBC television series of the same name. 4. Thoir Beò Mi (Bring Me to Life by Evanescence: Amy Lee, David Hodges, Ben Moody). Translated to Scottish Gàidhlig by Randy Waugh and Beathag Mhoireasdan. Vocals – Krista Grant; Keyboards – Dave Mandel; Guitar – Zach Stuckey; Drums – Stephen Dick; Bass and backing vocals – Randy Waugh • Thoir Beò Mi is our version of Bring me to Life by Evanescence, but is sung in Scottish Gàidhlig. 5. Òran Feasgair (Evening Song by Randy Waugh). Composition of words/music – Randy Waugh (parallel lyrics included) Harmonies by Madelaine King. Translation to Scottish Gàidhlig by Peadar Morgan. Vocals, Low-D Irish Whistle – Krista Grant; Keyboards – Dave Mandel; Guitar – Zach Stuckey; Drums – Stephen Dick; Bass – Randy Waugh • Òran Feasgair is a song about undying eternal love transmitted through time as a lullaby. It is sung in both Scottish Gàidhlig and English. Òran Feasgair was inspired while I was writing Evening Song, my second novel. If you purchase the book from at Smashwords.com, you will receive 50% off the posted price by using code: NH75C 6. Cumha Oighrig (The One I Love or Effie’s Lament - Melody and words by Randy Waugh, Music by Randy Waugh and Dave Mandel). Lyrics - Randy Waugh (parallel lyrics included), Music - Randy Waugh and Dave Mandel. Vocals and Low-D Irish Whistle – Krista Grant; Piano – Dave Mandel; Low-D/High-D Irish Whistles – Randy Waugh. • Cumha Oighrig is a lament about unrequited love and is the response to Evening Song. It is sung in Scottish Gàidhlig only, but English words are included. Cumha Oighrig was inspired while I was writing Evening Song, my second novel. If you purchase the book from at Smashwords.com, you will receive 50% off the posted price by using code: NH75C ~~ Selected Lyrics ~~ Òran Feasgair (Evening Song) ©Randy Waugh 1998 Air mo ghairm tro chrìochan tìm ann an òran feasgair Air mo thàladh le pongan m’eòil gu gràdh sìorraidh A’cur fios orm, a ghaoil le d’fhonn binn agus sinn a’ coinneachadh a-rithist Le rann is rann de rithim gun sgur loidhne air loidhne English Version Summoned through the bounds of time in an evening song Beckoned by familiar notes to everlasting love You call my love with your sweet tune and once more we meet With endless round of verséd rhyme line after line Version Française Convoqué par l'éternité avec une berceuse sublime Appelé par une mélodie familière à amour éternel Vous m'appelles mon amour avec votre mélodie douce Et encore une fois nous nous réunissons avec reprises infinies de rime de vers ligne après ligne ~~ Cumha Oidhrig – The One I love – Effie’s Lament ©1998, @2010 Randy Waugh Air mo ghairm anns an dàn 's briste mo chridhe fad mo bheath’ O, miannach mi ag ionndrainn fir air a bheil mo ghaol Thàinig am Fear Bat’ is dh’imrich thu ‘s chum ruith nan deur gu siorraidh, gu bràth O, miannach mi ag ionndrainn fir air a bheil mo ghaol Carson a’ dh'fhalbh thu gun fhacal slàn cha till thu gu bràth 's mo chridhe brist’ 'S tha thu an suid ann an tìr nan craobh mo chaoineadh gun fhiosda dhut air do làthadh do m’ chradh English version You summon me with your song and my heart breaks all life long Oh how I long to feel your touch of the one I love so much But the boatman came and now you’re gone and my tears flow on and on You know I yearn for the touch of the one I love so much Why did you leave? not say goodbye never return and break my heart ~~ Halifax Sunrise ©1999 Randy Waugh I watch the sea churn itself across the scape before me the tide sweeps the way toward another tomorrow The sun’s sparkling rays dance o’er the waves that roll before me knowing I’ll n’ be back again for a Halifax sunrise O ho ro eile ro ho ee oo O ho ro eile ro oo ee O ho ro eile ro ho ee oo O ho ay oo ee I’m unsure where this road’ll lead as I watch the ship’s men working I hope to find a better life in the days ahead Why can’t life be a simple ride like it used to be before me knowing I’ll n’ be back again for a Halifax sunrise O ho ro eile ro ho ee oo O ho ro eile ro oo ee O ho ro eile ro ho ee oo O ho ay oo ee ~~ Band member BIOs ~~ Stephen Dick – Drums and Percussion Stephen has over 35 years of professional experience performing with many outstanding musicians in his home base of Toronto as well as Vancouver and the U.S. Musical styles include Jazz, Rock, Latin and Fusion in live, studio, concert & festival settings. His music education culminated in a Bachelor of Music Degree from the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston. His performances have been in settings such as Roy Thomson Hall, The Toronto Jazz Festival, The Vancouver Jazz Festival, and the Beijing & Vancouver Olympics. He has performed with Michael Bublé (for Bill & Melinda Gates); Jeff Healey; John McDermott; Jackie Richardson; Jane Bunnett; Pat LaBarbera; Miles Black; Gabriel Mark Hasselbach; Randolph Waugh & Fiùran Dave Mandel - Piano and Keyboards Dave has been playing piano and keys for 45 years. He holds a BMus from Berklee Collage of Music 1980 in Film Scoring and Performance. He has performed many gigs over the years in all musical styles in North America and Caribbean. Some of the acts he’s performed with have been DMB Band 80’s Corporate, Weddings, etc.; Dave Mandel Trio (1988-2004) which was active in the Toronto Jazz scene and still plays select solo gigs and has appeared on many recording sessions. He is well known for his work in composing/arranging including: Scores Plus Music Productions; Music for CTV W5, CBC Mr. Dress up; Music for Sheridan Collage Animation Dept (Cartoons); Arrangements for Big Bands Randy Waugh - Composer, Bass, Irish Whistles, Bagpipes, Vocals Randy has performed appeared on many recording playing various instruments and singing over the past 45 years. He was originally a classically trained trumpet player, who also plays bass guitar, Irish whistles and bagpipes. His music career took a positive turn after an audition with Jimmy Huff and David Stone in Mississauga in the mid 1970’s. He has performed at many venues over the years in many musical styles in North America and the UK and has been primarily active on the Ottawa/Quebec (Tear, System, The Gordon Stone Band, Sauron) and Toronto (Rocker, McNaull & Brown, Elle) music scenes. He formed and led the renowned Ar n-Òran Gàidhlig choir to several successes including recognition at the Royal National Mòd in Scotland, and performances of his original compositions at the Crowning of Bard Louis McKinnon ceremony in Stornoway in 2011. Some of the acts he’s played with/directed and recorded with are: TWNJC Jazz band (1990-2001); musical compositions that accompany Evening Song - Òran Feasgair, his second novel (2001); Sons of Scotland Pipe Band (2002-Present); Ar n-Òran Gàidhlig Choir (2009-2012); Fiùran (2016-Present) Krista Grant - Vocals, Fiddle, Mandolin, Whistles Krista, born and raised in the Maritimes, has been playing violin since the age of 9. In her teens, she taught herself to play guitar and mandolin. After moving to Ottawa, she became involved in Gàighlig language learning and singing - winning gold medals at Mòd Chanada and the US National Mòd. In recent years, she began playing the bagpipes and Irish whistle. Krista has performed as part of the award-winning Ar n-Òran Gàidhlig Choir, The Atlantic Voices Choir, Clan Daestyn, and the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band. Zachary Stuckey - Guitars, Vocals Zach is going into his third year of The Humber College music degree program as a guitar major with a partial scholarship and lives in Mississauga Ontario. He is 19 years of age and has been playing guitar for 4 years. Throughout his time as a guitarist, Zach has been apart of a number of prestigious ensembles such as the National Youth Jazz Combo, the Toronto Jazz FM 91.1 Youth Big Band and Senior Enriched combos at Humber Community music jazz program. Zach recently received an international Downbeat Magazine award for outstanding performance as well as the Jeff Healey award presented to a student at the end of the year for Humber's award ceremony. Zach plays frequently around the city of Toronto with different bands and his own projects. Our special thanks to: * Steve Foley and Audio Valley Sound for his work on engineering, mixing and production. * Jason Fee for mastering * Olga Waugh for album cover art. * To Beathag Mhoireasdan for translation help and always being there to lend a helping hand * To Mike MacKay for translation help * To Stacey Mathews and Olga Waugh for their early contributions to the project and ongoing support * To Cathy Ann MacPhee, our friend and Gàidhlig mentor * To Bethany Bisaillion for her creative ideas. * To Perry Gauthier for his permission to use The Noose and the Gillies, a Reel he wrote for the GHB. * To our family and friends who sacrificed time with us and allowing us to pursue our passion. * To our fans and supporters for their loyalty and for believing in our dreams.

