- 歌曲
- 时长
This album was the first one actually constructed for publication. It was sent to the manufacturer first, having been completed in November of 2006. Paul chose to release it to CD Baby late because there were some things about it he didn't like. Some of the tracks have a bit more distortion than he wanted. Still, there are some very nice sounds on it that Paul wanted to share with the public. Paul decided to release it because the original goal of this project was to record some of his musical thoughts, good or excellent. The Flute & Strings piece is just that. It is rather classically constructed, as is Power Strings. The Brass Fanfare, again is described by its title. Flute Jazz was fun, and Paul liked playing with the flute sounds on it. The rather long introduction cheats the faster part, but returning to the slow part helps end it nicely. A Haunting was an attempt to be scary again, although subtly so, and Ragas has a definite Indian feel, what with Sitars, and drums. Creepiness uses vocal sounds in a somewhat scary way. The Piano Improvization is just that. Paul misspelled improvisation on the title quite by accident, and he didn't want to go to the trouble to change it. Strings are strings. Paul likes strings. Piano & Drums was fun to do. The drum sounds influence the piano and it becomes hard to tell which is the Percussion and which is the keyboard. Piano in a Classical Style may not be truly classical. Piano Bass and Drums is just a simple Jazz piece. I'm afraid the Bass is overly distorted on this. Funky Stuff has potential to be a hit. It is an awful lot of fun. Paul chose it to be released for free. If you would like to purchase it from him, purchase the album. If it blows, more is the better. Landscape, again misspelled, is a sound painting, and Lament, is a peaceful lament, rather than a weepy one. Paul tried writing, playing other peoples music, or organizing jazz groups. It never seemed to fly. Then he discovered this wonderful palette of sounds. Just thought it would be nice to send them out there for others to enjoy. These were sent along to CD Baby two days before Christmas 2007, because he wanted to get 4 in for this year. Maybe 4 more for next year. Who knows, maybe more maybe less. The theater calls and there is not much time for recording. Paul does all the art work for all of his CD's. Photography has been a lifelong hobby. This particular CD features a scene on Bodega Bay in California. It has been altered with a wood texture. One day he may realease the photographs as another art form. Thanks for listening. The music doesn't have to stop with the last note.