Seven Days Walking (Day 1) (7日行-第1日)

Seven Days Walking (Day 1) (7日行-第1日)


★鲁多维柯‧艾奥迪 / 音乐、演奏 义大利国宝级作曲家鲁多维柯‧艾奥迪,是当今乐坛新世纪古典音乐的代表人物,根据统计,英国当地的线上串流使用率,每十二个串流就有一首是艾奥迪的作品,不愧是当代古典音乐最畅销的作曲家之一。 艾奥迪1955出生于义大利都灵,是义大利第二任总统路易吉‧艾奥迪之孙,于米兰威尔第音乐学院接受正统古典训练,获得作曲学位,接著跟随义大利当代作曲家贝里欧学习。开始前几年艾奥迪从事的是传统现代作曲,80年代中期转变风格,并以电影配乐获得初次成功。90年代,艾奥迪开始创作钢琴音乐,首张钢琴专辑「海浪(Le Onde)」,在义大利、英国卖座相当好,奠定他目前为乐迷所熟知的极简且但有渲染力的独特风格。 从这张专辑开始,艾奥迪将进行他的「散策七日」发行计画,每个月发行一张专辑,「第一日」到「第七日」。「散策七日」让我们想像在七日之内,每日散步相同的路径,会因为周遭所发生的不同体验产生不同状况,像是阴天、雨天、步行者的心情、遇见不同的野生动物等等。艾奥迪将第一日当作主题,第二~第七日分别是六个不同变奏,将「散策七日」当作一个主题变奏曲。 艾奥迪利用钢琴、小提琴与大提琴,这最简单的配器组合来勾勒这日常生活中的体验,相信会引起不少的共鸣。 "“Imagine looking out of your window each morning, the same window with each day giving you a unique emotion setting your mood for the day.” - Ludovico Einaudi • Let’s go on a journey… Seven Albums. Released over Seven Months. • Each album represents one unique day. One variation on a theme. One take on the same view. • Imagine looking out of your window each morning, the same window with each day giving you a unique emotion setting your mood for the day. • Seven Days Walking is inspired by Ludovico’s own personal walks in his nearby nature. Meditative and calming, this music gives the listener space to reflect with the culmination of the project allowing for hours of peaceful listening. • Musically, Ludovico Einaudi plays piano alongside cello and violin returning more closely to the immediately identifiable sound of his solo piano recordings with this beautiful blend of soft strings complimenting his simplistic and mesmerising melodies. • Recordings of the highest quality made at home and Air Studios (London), Seven Days Walking maintains Ludovico’s known values of quality, simplicity and design whilst remaining accessible to all.

