LAJTHA, L.: Orchestral Works, Vol. 5 (Pécs Symphony, Pasquet)

LAJTHA, L.: Orchestral Works, Vol. 5 (Pécs Symphony, Pasquet)


由于对1956匈牙利起义的支持,拉斯佐罗•洛伊托(LáSZLó Lajtha)被禁止出国。本张专辑里的《第7号交响曲》就是对该事件的直接回应。为了向这一系列作品致敬,“今日古典”网站专门评论说:“对拉斯佐罗•洛伊托的禁锢与反对,剥夺了音乐爱好者享受音乐的机会:既接触不了匈牙利最伟大的交响乐作曲家的作品,也聆听不到二十世纪可以媲美巴托克和高大宜的天才般的、匈牙利原汁原味的声音……如果你喜爱交响乐形式,喜欢陶醉在现代管弦乐队的无限丰富多彩的可能性,在这个非凡的版本里,你会聆听到每一种展现。”这是最初马可波罗录音的全套7辑补发系列的第5专辑。 Lajtha was banned from travelling abroad due to his support for the Hungarian uprising of 1956, to which the Seventh Symphony was a direct response. With regard to this cycle, has written that “The neglect of László Lajtha's music has robbed music lovers of the opportunity to enjoy not only Hungary's greatest symphonist, but also a truly original voice in 20th century music – a talent fully comparable to Bartók and Kodály… If you love the symphony as a form, and enjoy reveling in the endlessly colorful possibilities of the modern orchestra, you'll want every single issue in this remarkable edition.” This is volume 5 of 7 of this reissue series of the original Marco Polo recordings.
