Money Matters for Children

Money Matters for Children

  • 流派:Children Music 儿童音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2015-03-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Each song in this album evokes a different perspective of commerce. Together, they give a well-rounded view of how money flows through society, how to keep it flowing, and how to participate in the flow. Sell, Sell, Sell ------------------- They sell, sell, sell the wares, every single day. Advertise. Advertise. Advertise. Advertise. Will you spend money today? Where Have You Been, Trader John? ---------------------------------------------------- Where have you been, trader John, trader John? Where have you been, busy trader? I have been to the lake front to ponder all that folks might want. I am an adult now.  I must begin to trade. What found you there, trader John, trader John What found you there, busy trader? I found that folks love foods, their homes, their phones, their grooves. I am an adult now.  I must begin to trade. Saw you something more, trader John, trader John? Saw you something more, busy trader? I saw all the things folks use, and the things to make things, too. I am an adult now.  I must begin to trade. What will you do now, trader John, trader John? What will you do now, busy trader? Perhaps I will build some boats or make some tools to build boats. I am an adult now.  I must begin to trade. Round and Round the Cities and Towns ------------------------------------------------------- Round and round the cities and towns, the dollar chased the spending. Round and round the cities and towns, ’till STOP goes the spending. A dollar to the ice-cream man, and then he pays the grocer. The grocer pays the grocery clerk, ’till STOP goes the spending. The clerk pays the clothing store. The store pays the taxes. The taxes pay the street cleaner, ’till STOP goes the spending. The cleaner pays the soccer coach. The coach pays the mechanic. The mechanic buys an ice-cream cone, ’till STOP goes the spending. Aspiring Chef -------------------- There's no food in the pantry, dear Liza, dear Liza. There's no food in the pantry, dear Liza. No food. Well, buy some, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. Well, buy some, dear Henry, dear Henry. Buy some. With what shall I buy it, dear Liza, dear Liza? With what shall I buy it, dear Liza? With what? With money, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. With money, dear Henry, dear Henry. With money. There’s no cash in my pocket, dear Liza, dear Liza. There’s no cash in my pocket, dear Liza. No cash. Well, earn some, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. Well, earn some, dear Henry, dear Henry. Earn some. With what shall I earn it, dear Liza, dear Liza? With what shall I earn it, dear Liza? With what? Cook a meal, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry. Cook a meal, dear Henry, dear Henry. Cook a meal. Economy ------------- 1-2-3-4-5 The economy takes a dive 6-7-8-9-10 Everyone start spending again. Why must each person spend? To sell more wares again. If no one buys more wares, We get money from no-where. Sing a Song of Six Shirts -------------------------------------- Sing a song of six shirts, all exactly the same. Six different prices for six different dames. When the shirts were vended, Jill sang so beautifully. They handed her a shirt and said it was for free. Kris was in her counting house, counting all her money. She thought that an inflated price would be quite funny. Jen was in her parlor, eating curds and whey.   She dreaded an inflated price but paid one anyway. Sal was in the garden, ten dollars to her name. She haggled for a lower price.  And low, low it came. Tess was in the backyard, discussing shirts with Cor. She increased the country's debt four dollars, Cor even more. Behavior ------------- Listen my children, and you shall know of the code of Nammu made long ago. It was 2150 BC when law was writ in society. Now each parent must teach each child, do not lie or hurt or revile. If you think it's yours, and they think it's theirs, then see what some other person declares. Treat all with respect and never disgust. Strive to be someone your neighbors can trust. Listen my children and follow these creeds, then slowly we will meet all of our needs.

