- 歌曲
- 时长
dep has combined field recordings of his immediate surroundings as well as programmed beats and instrumentation to create a personal and involving album. There are experiments and more traditional approaches to electronica in this album that show an open minded and mature artist at work. 'Nothing To Undo : Nothing To Redo' cohesively houses explorations into techno and downtempo with attributes of glitch, distortion, loud and quiet, artificial and real altogether across thirteen tracks. At times it sounds like a film soundtrack, other places it sounds like an audio diary. The ideas that you hint at in those vocals have really matured in these pieces. There is a lot more expression in the lines, even if they're purely instrumental. There's a nice dynamic range in the tunes now that I really like. It fits with the rest of the moving elements very well. The great thing, and something that most people get wrong as they start out experimenting with it, is that dep doesn't over do or over produce it. There's just the right amount of it in a piece, and he has a natural sense of where that balance point is.