- 歌曲
- 时长
There is a power in music that is hard to describe. In it there is connection to our own unique spirit, to the hearts that sing, and even to the world of all consciousness. Many use it for a source of inspiration, for relaxation, or even for release. It is my belief that while music has been around since probably the beginning the power and capability music has of influencing the soul is still unfolding. There have been many who come into the world to usher in new ideas and styles of expression changing music as we have previously known it. These individuals have a unique purpose for as music change we as a people change. I have such a purpose in music, it is my mission to share that which has been given to me. I came into the world with a sensitivity to energy, to divine melody. When I was in my crib at birth I was humming. Growing up I was singing, and then led to an instrument with unlimited potential in portaying that which I feel. I know i have been playing the piano longer then this lifetime, for when I sat down that first time I could play. I could play that which was written before me, but I could also play that which was within me. The art of playing in the moment that which one feels is truly a gift. To surpass the ego to create directly from the heart connected to all source. For music comes from source, and the ability to connect defines ones ability to express. That which we admire in musicians is their ability to connect their listeners to that source of light through melody. Just as in faith, music is that which can not be seen or explained but comes from a source that is true and powerful. Everything is energy, music is energy yet created in a way which we can hear and feel. As I grew in my talents I found that I could connect to those that were in attendance in ways that were unexplanable and astonishing. As I play I connect to the heart. I hear the unique voice of the inner soul. I have been gifted with the ability to play that which I feel from those who are in attendance and to the energy and light which I intentionally connect to. I marvel at what has happens as I connect so. As I look at the person I play for, many times there are tears streaming. They explain to me that as I play they feel light rushing through them. Many are taken into a world of images that swirl through their consciouness. Many speak of divine messages portayed in the music for them. As I have thus been on my path I have learned that which I create are vibrations that have a powerful effect upon the spirit. I find that people are most able to connect to the power of this music through mediation. As they meditate the vibrations are then able to have full effect as they breathe in the music and light which is create. This type of music is hardly known. I call it vibrational mediation, or instrumental improvisation. It is my path to be a pioneer of this type of music. To bring the world the melodies that are within me, which surround me. To influence the world through this connection of source through music, through vibration. I hope the world will be open to the gifts I bring, and will listen with an open heart that they may feel this power of music. From my heart to yours... Jared Clark Pure Light Vibrations purelightvibrations.com