- 歌曲
- 时长
这个世界每天都在发生各种琐事。也许从宇宙诞生的一刻起,所有事件都处在因果的链条中,它们相互关联,无穷无尽,引发意想不到的结局。“一个狂信者胆囊里过多的苦汁,一个征服者心脏里过热的血液,一个君主胃里的一种消化不良,一个你心中出现的幻想,都是一些充分的原因。” 这张专辑收录的七首歌,都诞生于这样一些小事:梦里含糊不清的歌、对互联网的反思、偷看喜欢的人、春天夜晚的心动……它们又无差无别地汇成悉达多眼底的河流。每做一个选择,我们就进入不同的可能空间,时至今日,所有往事已不可考,只剩星星点点的偶然还在生命里闪烁,我珍视它们,敬重它们,这也是对命运的敬意吧。 不知道你因为什么听到了这盘专辑,欢迎讲给我听。 不知道此刻写下的文字,又会触发怎样的以后呢。 All kinds of trifles happen in this world every day. Perhaps from the birth of the universe, all events are in the chain of cause and effect. They are interrelated and endless, leading to unexpected outcomes. "Too much bile in the gall bladder of a fanatic believer, overheated blood in the heart of a conqueror, indigestion in the stomach of a monarch, and illusion in your heart are all sufficient reasons." The seven songs included in this album are all born of such small things: vague songs in dreams, reflection on the Internet, peeking at people I secretly like, and a crush in spring nights... They all converge into a river under Siddhartha's eyes finally. Every time we make a choice, a new possible space opens to us. Until now, all the past events have been untested, only a few coincidences still flicker in life. I cherish them and respect them, which is also a tribute to fate. I want to know what make you find this album. Welcome to tell me. I want to know what kind of future will be triggered by the words written at the moment.