Skitz Bebo Project (Explicit)

Skitz Bebo Project (Explicit)

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2015-01-09
  • 类型:录音室专辑


This album was created for true lovers of original music and talent. Every beat, hook, verse, the arrangement, layout, whatever, was created and written by me.Being a product of both the old school and the new. I pride myself in the ability to do and be great at both. This is also the music that expresses the first chapter of my life. Growing up in poverty and violent surroundings left its mark on my mind and soul. This is why the music is so hostile and edgy...Hope you enjoy the sounds My last interview: Question: If you could compare yourself to one artist who would it be? Does this person musically encourage you? Answer: Very difficult question since my music is home grown. But if I had to choose I would say Biggie Smalls. Because like him my music is very raw and driven by my personal experiences growing up in poverty. But at the same time I'm conscious us making popular music that sells to the masses. I also feel like I cross boundaries very well as he did. Not limiting myself to one style of music... Question: What are are some of your goals? If you say you want to be successful, what does success mean to you? Answer: To be honest I would love the fame and fortune that comes along with the stereotypical view of "making it". But I'm happy just being able to provide a financially stable life for my family. I would also like to generate enough to give back to my communities and the world at large. Traveling the world would be nice as well... Question: How does your music career affect your family life? Are your family members supportive? Answer: Well. My family is very poor so its hard for them to support the way I think they'd like to. But they are proud of my talent and what I do. I think it will effect them greatly when I reach that level of success I'm looking for because I can provide positive change for us as a unit. Still yet to be seen, but I'm optimistic... Question: Most people will never know what it feels like to be on stage in front of a crowd, explain to them that feeling: Answer: Oh man...Performing starts as a feeling of nervousness and uncomfortably until the first note hits. Then you slip into a state of freedom to be and express yourself. Its the most liberating and powerful feeling I've ever experienced in my life. Its also a feeling of pride when you kill it. Makes me feel super accomplished...Performing is the best drug on the planet... Question: What are your plans for the future with your band? Answer: Just to keep making and sharing my sound with the world. To let my music evolve with my life accordingly. And make a respectable living doing it... Question: Are you looking to get a record deal? Why? Answer: If the right life changing deal comes along I would be down to go with it. But I've had a few bad experiences with labels in the past so I'm happy being independent. Its very hard to express the importance of your personal life situation, time table, and vision for your music to a business. I find they don't tend to care for the talent and person at all. Instead they only care about the profit margin and how little work it takes to get your music out...I personally think artist development and discovering talent is dead... Question: What is your favorite local venue? Answer: Anywhere Dan Hubbard is booking. I find its not the venue necessarily that creates the vibe. But the people who put on and attend the shows...But I love the look and feel of Jub Jubs, and Bodegas. And even tho I haven't had the privilege of rocking the stage there, I love Reno event center... Question: What is your local indie scene like and do they pay you for gigs? Details! Answer: The hip hop scene here is pretty young in comparison to other places I've worked (Florida, Atlanta, New York). And we mostly sell our own tickets at the level I'm at. But the talent here is so amazing because it hasn't been watered down at all by a particular type of artist making it year after year. So the freedom of creativity is still very high... Question: Which online distribution sites do you use? Answer: CDbaby, Itunes, Spotify, Amazon...Maybe a few others that come in the CDbaby bundle... Question: What made you want to pursue songwriting? Answer: Watching My older brother rap in cyphers as a kid...I just wanted to contribute a verse at some point so I wrote one and just never stopped...And I've always been into poetry and music so it was a natural fit to express myself...

