- 歌曲
- 时长
We are honoured to have Maxim Hix back at Break Wind Productions with this beautifully crafted energetic album that go's by the name of Elixir. Maxim has spent the past year putting his heart and soul into this project and we are certain you will find it just as captivating as we do, a huge milestone not only for Maxim Hix but for Break Wind Productions as this is our first ever artist album. Maxim Hix is one of the few producers who can cross genre waves seamlessly and break the chains of reality. He takes us on a progressive journey ranging from breaks to ambient to house with even a splash of trance. Maxim unique style is showcased throughout the entire album, fans of Maxim Hix will not be disappointed by this exceptional musical expereince. The album will take you up high in a shuttle and into a mind field of spine tingled motion melodies, driving rhythmical basslines, epic euphoric breakdowns that will blow you straight through the clouds above and out into the solar systems, once the music has stopped be prepared for the fall back to reality. All we ask is sit back drink a bottle or 8 of this magical potion and enjoy the ride............. Artwork : Dr Zortan Mastered : Rick Tedesco Website : www.breakwindproductions.com Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/breakwindproductions Facebook : www.facebook.com/Breakwindproductions Twitter : www.twitter.com/BreakwindProd Email : Breakwindproductions@hotmail.co.uk Mechandise : www.breakwindproductions.dizzyjam.com