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Art imitates life, yet some say it's vice versa. Regardless there comes a time when art moves all by itself. W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. (Wisdom Articulates Serenity Throughout Entities Living Allah's Nurturing Divine Science) exemplifies this universal occurrence with their dynamic sound on their 2nd LP entitled Rules of Evolution. On Rules, the Midwest trio delivers 16 songs with their sophomore release. This diverse effort is brought with precise lyrics over a melodic tantrum of eclectic beats. As you may imagine from the album's descriptive title, the group affirms to make creative waves in the steady water of music. "If you think about it, Rules of Evolution is the framework that every artist should follow. The first rule is that there are no rules" explains Augury, the silent wordsmith of the group. " The formula to music can only revolve so many times until it spurs out of control and finds another space to orbit. We're the next sun waiting for the planets to catch up!" On "W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S.", the collection's first song, the group passionately reflects on the circumstances guiding them to make music. Interwoven between each verse is an open dialogue between the members in which they take turns introducing themselves for the first time to each other. They rhyme with raw emotion about the rocky paths of life. "It's an open-hearted song that makes us think of how everyone struggles and how the strong overcome the odds to complete their aspirations." The struggles of being a hip-hop group and the contradictions of fame were the motivation for the song "S.E.L.L.S". For 4-minutes the group pulls the listener through their perspective of hip-hop. "We wanted to take the redundant lies in hip hop out, and replace it with the true experience that matters at the end of our day". Rules of Evolution is arranged with a collage of producers from across the U.S. and other countries including Australia. Despite incorporating a number of beatsmiths, the album flows smoothly and effortlessly from one cut to the next as each song arrives as a perfect mesh of music and lyrics. "We connected with so many people and their music," Taiyamo Denku says. "We had songs written before we began production of the album. When it came time to find beats it was a natural fit between our concepts and their sound." The beginning of W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. was also an instance waiting to happen. The three have been submersed in music since they were kids. But it was more than the love of hip-hop that brought them together. W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. originated as a solo act with Short Fuze. Being stricken with a mild condition of cerebral palsy as a child, the doctors said he would never walk. Strong willed and determined from the start, his motivation silences the critics. "The force that drives me is those who say I can't do it, whether it's from the way I walk or because they just don't want me to succeed." With that tenacity he endured hardships from a dangerous gang lifestyle, to shady record deals, and betrayal from so-called friends. He went through this cycle for 6 years until he met Augury. Augury started writing poetry and reciting them at small gatherings in his local area. "Writing is in my blood, my grandmother and mother wrote poetry. It was so emotional and personal, I thought no one could to relate so they didn't want to hear it. Then one day I saw this cat who I knew rhymed, and I let him hear a piece." That 'cat' was none other than Short Fuze who was amazed at the deep verbiage and daring content of Augury's lyrics. Augury joined W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. and they began recording an album during the fall of 2000. Feeling a void that needed to be filled, Augury recruited Taiyamo Denku in 2001 and he joined the group thereafter. A Milwaukee native, Taiyamo Denku brings abstract lyricism to another level when you listen to his verses. He boasts a catalog of 250+ songs recorded at his home studio. Equipped with a combined 10+ years in music, W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S amply demonstrates that they can stand on their own as one of the most promising and insightful groups to emerge in quite some time. With Short Fuze's gritty pinpointed lyrics; Augury's conscientious soulful rhyme schemes; and Taiyamo Denku's sarcastic word puzzles; W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S. creates uncanny music for people to listen and reflect upon. "Our album is not a run of the mill social commentary, it's going to make you question yourself and the world around you. "None of us are perfect, so if we can say one thing about ourselves and find the truth in a song, that would make us content." Get the movement moving where the truth is describing Rules of Evolution. W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S.