- 歌曲
- 时长
Albumreview by Stéphane Froidcoeur (side-line.com): Mario Grönnert is a young ambient musician based in the Eastern part of Germany. His 2nd full length has been released on the Italian label Conga Records and features 8 tracks. Grönnert is not exactly composing the typical kind of dark-ambient music, but a rather astral sound voyage, which sometimes is achieved by dark elements. He’s exploring aquatic atmospheres which he accentuated with icy sounds. It all sounds like he also uses field recordings –or samplings while some parts are featuring sampled spoken vocals as well. “Waters Drown In Stone” takes you away on an imaginary trip throughout unexplored parts. It sounds full of prosperity and yet a bit obscure and therefore fascinating. It all results in a quite diversified work, mixing different parts of ambient music. Conclusion: Mario Grönnert sounds like he is bringing something fresh to the ambient music. His album is visiting different ambient elements, which I think will please to dark-ambient lovers. Albumreview by Nivehlein (hypnos webzine): “Waters Drown In Stone”, Mario Grönnert’s second opus, is a wonderful example of Ambient music that reveals a multiform essence, as we can find the dark, oppressive and martial atmosphere of “Abysmal and “Undertaking”, the ascetic and disturbing mood of “The Helix” and the ethereal and bright feelings of “Dying Gold” and “Beyond The Light”". Recommended to Ambient and soundtracks lovers. Albumreview by Stefan Erbe (empulsiv.de): Lieber Dark-Drone-Ambient-Freund! Ab hier bitte weiterlesen! Fehlt Ihnen noch der ultimative-dunkle Soundtrack? Dann könnte Ihnen mit dem 8 Track Album von Mario Grönnert weitergeholfen werden. Soundtrack beschreibt die 8 Stücke wohl auch am trefflichsten, denn schon nach den ersten Takten erzeugen die Sounds riesigen Kopfkino-Areale in denen in gekonnter Endzeit-Stimmung diverse Sci-Fi-Streifen ihre tonale Unterstützung gefunden hätten. Egal ob Raumgleiter durch die Zukunftswelten wie Blade-Runner und Konstorten düsen oder diverse Orksche-Gruselrudel ins nächste Gemetzel aufbrechen, die audiophile Grundlage ist schon mal gelegt. Zielgruppengerechte Musik wie diese, wird es aber bei allen anderen Elektronik-Fans schwer haben, denn das Album bietet wenig Grenzgänger-Optionen, obwohl es in Gänze als "gedrontes" Dark-Ambient sehr wohl funktioniert. Allerdings sollte man nicht zu voreilig die Musik ins mediale Schublädchen des simulierten Filmsupportes abschieben, sondern sich vielmehr die Mühe machen, es sich selbst anzuhören. Albumreview by Erik_Av (alien-e-zine) The mixture of minimalist, sometimes hypnotic spaces in conection with the piano, or with other elements, are not dominating above eacho other, but are floating in a harmonical cohabitation like a raft in river. Very great use of field recordings are highlighting the atmosphere of songs.