HuuHaa专辑介绍:Legend has it, that this tale was appointed by the Grandmaster of the Triangle Council and then preserves the great seal of the Triangle Galaxy Council. It is a metaphysical pattern of energy decoded in a musical language and then recorded to a digital audio format. Members of the HuuHaa movement take great role of advocating the modern day way of thinking and represents the same forces that are occurring globally in different forms. Besides down under in the deeps of our planet there is some secret knowledge hidden in a geometric triangle form. Discover the epic HuuHaa resonance and you can hear the sound of the full sound. All bits in use. When closing the circle is not enough it is time for the full triangle. Three is the key and the third time says the truth. Be three and let your self free! Vortexing to the triangle galaxy! credits released 01 June 2013 All tracks made by HuuHaa Mastered by Jyrki Pajunen, Dj Jyrkkä © Full Sound All Bits in Use