Festival Melodies: Classic Peking Opera Songs for Dragon Boat Festival 节庆旋律:经典京剧端午特辑 vol.2

Festival Melodies: Classic Peking Opera Songs for Dragon Boat Festival 节庆旋律:经典京剧端午特辑 vol.2

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2024-06-06
  • 类型:EP


《Festival Melodies: Classic Peking Opera Songs for Dragon Boat Festival 节庆旋律:经典京剧端午特辑 vol.2》收录于World Music Seeds(世界传统音乐种子库)中的“世界京剧数字版本库”(The World Beijing Opera Digital Editions)当中,精选5段来自1940年以前灌制的经典京剧唱段。端午节,又被称为龙舟节、五月节、诗人节等,是中华民族古老的传统节日之一,在这个节日里,人们可以敬仰先贤,赛龙舟,尽享盛夏之气息。在中国戏曲中,端午节也是一个重要的存在。端午节的起源有着多种说法,其中一种与伍子胥的故事紧密相连。伍子胥是楚国人,父兄均为楚王所杀,后来子胥投奔吴国,助吴王伐楚。吴王阖闾死后,他的儿子夫差继位,吴军士气高昂,打败了越国。子胥向夫差建议彻底消灭越国,而此时夫差受越国的贿赂,听信谗言下令要将子胥杀掉。子胥死前对亲朋友好友说:“我死后,将我眼睛挖出悬挂在吴京之东门上,我要看到越国军队入城灭掉吴王的那天”,夫差知道后大怒,令人将子胥的尸体装在皮革里于五月五日投入大江,后来伍子胥的冤魂不散,化为涛神。此后,人们于五月初五在江边祭祀,逐渐形成了端午节的习俗。千百年来江浙一带一直以端午节为纪念伍子胥之日。世界传统种子库特别推出“节庆旋律”系列“经典京剧端午特辑”,收录一系列与端午节民俗相关的经典京剧应节戏唱段。 本专辑包含《战樊城》、《文昭关》、《浣纱记》、《鱼肠剑》和《武昭关》 5首京剧传统剧目中关于伍子胥的经典京剧唱段。 Festival Melodies: Classic Peking Opera Songs for Dragon Boat Festival 节庆旋律:经典京剧端午特辑 vol.2" is featured in the "World Beijing Opera Digital Editions," a part of the "World Music Seeds" collection. This album includes 5 classic Peking Opera arias recorded before 1940, specially selected for Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, Double Fifth Festival, or Poet's Day, is one of the ancient traditional festivals of the Chinese nation. During this festival, people pay homage to the sages, participate in dragon boat races, and enjoy the spirit of midsummer.In Chinese opera, the Dragon Boat Festival also holds significant importance. The origins of the festival are associated with various stories, one of which is closely linked to the tale of Wu Zixu. Wu Zixu, a native of Chu, whose father and brother were killed by the king of Chu, later sought refuge in the state of Wu, assisting King Helü of Wu in his campaign against Chu. After King Helü's death, his son Fuchai succeeded him. Under Fuchai, the Wu army, buoyed by high morale, defeated the state of Yue. Wu Zixu advised Fuchai to completely annihilate Yue, but Fuchai, bribed and misled by Yue, ordered Wu Zixu's execution. Before his death, Wu Zixu told his friends to hang his eyes on the eastern gate of the Wu capital so he could witness the Yue army's conquest of Wu. Enraged, Fuchai had Wu Zixu's body stuffed into a leather sack and thrown into the river on the fifth day of the fifth month. Wu Zixu's spirit did not rest and transformed into the god of the waves. Since then, people have held rituals by the river on the fifth day of May, gradually forming the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. For centuries, the regions of Jiangsu and Zhejiang have commemorated Wu Zixu on this day. The "World Music Seeds" proudly presents the "Festival Melodies" series with "Classic Peking Opera Songs for Dragon Boat Festival," featuring a collection of classic Peking Opera arias associated with the festival's customs. This album includes 5 classic Peking Opera arias from traditional productions, including "Battle of Fancheng," "Wenzhao Pass," "The Story of Washing Gauze," "Swordfish," and "Wuzhao Pass." 曲目简介 01 Xipi-Battle of Fancheng: Farewell to Brother 西皮-战樊城(兄长说话欠思论) 艺术家:马连良 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 《战樊城》,又名《杀府逃国》。春秋时,楚平王无道,伍奢直谏被囚。伍奢之子伍尚、伍员(字子胥)为樊城守将,佞臣费无忌献计,逼伍奢修书,骗伍氏兄弟回都斩草除根。伍尚得书欲往,伍子胥则疑其中有诈而力阻。最后商定,伍尚回都尽孝,伍子胥留守樊城以防不测。伍尚回都果然被斩。费无忌又进谗言,使平王降旨抄斩伍氏满门,并派乌成黑率兵到樊城捉拿伍子胥。伍子胥得家将报信,箭射乌成黑,逃出樊城。此唱段中,伍尚、伍员兄弟接到从京城送来的书信后,发现信后有“逃走”二字,故对于是否按书信要求进京产生分歧。 02 Erhuang-Wenzhao Pass: Lament late at night 二黄-文昭关(一轮明月照窗前) 艺术家:王凤卿 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 《文昭关》又名《一夜白须》,讲述的是春秋末期吴国大夫、军事家伍子胥的故事。取材于《列国演义》第七十二回,讲述春秋时期,楚平王无道,伍子胥之父伍奢忠言直谏,却被平王残酷处死,全家惨遭灭门,只有伍子胥侥幸逃脱,欲至吴国求救,借兵复仇。行至吴楚交界的昭关,因被严查缉拿,苦于无法过关。恰遇扁鹊弟子东皋公搭救,被其隐藏于自家后花园中,但一连七日,未见动静,伍子胥内心焦虑忧急,一夜间须发皆白。东皋公于是设计,为他乔装易容,骗过楚兵,顺利过关。民间亦有伍子胥过昭关,一夜急白了须发的传说。 03 Xipi-The Story of Washing Gauze: Begging for Food 西皮-浣纱记(未曾开言我的心难过) 艺术家:言菊朋 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 京剧《浣纱计》又名《浣纱记》《子胥投吴》。伍子胥逃过昭关,欲渡过大江往吴国借兵。楚兵随后追捕,伍逃到大江边因无渡船而不得过。一渔父驾一小舟,伍以腰中宝剑酬之求渡。渔父渡之不受剑酬,问伍姓名,子胥实告,渔父自称芦中人。抵岸,伍登岸拜谢去,复返谓渔父:“追兵至,大人万勿相告。”渔父见子胥见疑,乃投江以明其志。途中饥饿之极,见山中溪旁有女子浣纱,菜篮中有馍,伍上前求食,并道出真实姓名。女怜之与之食。食讫,去而又返,女问其故,伍曰:“追兵至,勿告。”女为避其疑,遂投溪溺水明志。 04 Xipi-Swordfish: Anxiously Hurrying on Horseback 西皮-鱼肠剑(一事无成两鬓斑) 艺术家:高庆奎 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 京剧《鱼肠剑》又名《鱼藏剑》《吹箫乞食》,是《伍子胥》中的一折。写的是春秋时,楚国伍奢满门被平王抄斩,唯其子伍子背逃出昭关,投奔吴国。伍员在吴市吹箫行乞,与孝义双全的专诸结为生死兄弟。吴国公子姬光,为刺杀吴王姬僚夺回王位而广罗人才,因素慕伍员豪杰,邀伍员为宾客。伍员向姬光举荐专诸,专诸感姬光知遇之恩,为其用鱼腹藏剑之计刺死吴王姬僚。 05 Erhuang-Wuzhao Pass:Surrounded by the Enemy 二黄-武昭关(耳边厢又听得金鼓振) 艺术家:林树森 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 《武昭关》又名《禅宇寺》,故事源于《春秋五霸七雄列国志传》 及《左传春秋》。与京剧中为人所熟知的《伍子胥》故事差别甚大,和《文昭关》以文武戏为界区分,故称为《武昭关》。这是一出老生和青衣的对戏。 故事说的是楚平王荒淫无道父纳子妻,忠良伍奢谏奏反遭满门抄斩。其子伍子胥护公子建之夫人马昭仪出逃,兵困禅宇寺。 深明大义的马昭仪托孤于伍子胥后投井自尽,逐保子胥得以轻装御敌,保全孤儿突围脱险。
