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2002年DMC世界冠军、日本NO.1唱盘演奏/Scratch高手最强DJ-Mix示范!!! DJ/IDJ杂誌四个灯、Future Music杂誌8/10分高评价肯定 DJ Kentaro 出身于日本北部。他在这座称之为‘都市森林’的城市中吸收了各类音乐元素。他代表了仙台城并把他对音乐创造力和音乐意识展现给全世界。在这里我就不太多的去用数字来介绍他在DMC中的出色表现,在GOOGLE上都可以找的到,只是想对他的搓盘技艺和对多种音乐元素的融合表示钦佩!特别要提出的是他在 2002年的DMC的比赛上勇夺第一,而2002年的冠军分数是历届最高的哦,可见他的技术有多么的出神入化!而在对一些传统乐器的使用上也是无可比拟的富有创造力,太鼓,三味线,尺八,都在他的手中与电音完美结合,这就是KENTARO带给我们的想像力和惊喜! 从眾多Ninja Tune厂牌历年经典中挑选出Jaga、Wagon Christ、DJ Food、Coldcut、Pest、Funki Porcini、Herbaliser、DJ Vadim等的作品,透过无可比拟的辗转反撤Scratch-n-Mix手法,建构一段贯通Hip Hop、Breakbeat、Drum’n’Bass的疯狂节拍之旅。 Ninja Tune were introduced to the work of DJ Kentaro through his success at the 2002 DMC World finals, where the Japanese turntablist won outright with a set of pure innovation using not only hip hop, but also reggae, drum & bass, house and electro, in the process achieving the highest score ever in a DMC Final. This was not surprising to those who had already come across him. Kentaro is a DJ who can play long, scratchless floor-filling sets, or turn his hand to VJ mixes using DVD decks with the same skills. As such he seemed the perfect DJ to choose to produce a mix of the Ninja back catalogue for the Japanese market. A box full of vinyl and CDs was sent to him and he began piecing together a selection from Jaga, Wagon Christ, DJ Food, Coldcut, Pest, Funki Porcini, Herbaliser and DJ Vadim to create a truly masterful mix, "DJ Kentaro on the Wheels of Solid Steel". The CD came out in Japan in December 2004 and has since sold 15,000 copies in the territory. However, word of Kentaro's lightning skills and musical ear have since spread way beyond Japan, with appearances at Fabric and Homelands (as well as Ninja's own super hush-hush Solid Steel night) and we decided it was time to share his talents with the world. To this end, a DVD was commissioned which showcases much of what is special about Kentaro. A mixture of live footage and animation (some of it "visuscratched" by Kentaro himself), this selection of short films will appeal to the turntablist community but, as you'd expect, would also work well as audiovisual fodder for your party. All in all, then, a fantastic package for Ninja aficionados, turntablist aficionados and people looking to expand their musical horizons, one cut at a time.