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I'm in love with life and with all the beautiful things that God gives me," affirms this great artist whose unique and incomparable style stands out on this new CD, full of surprises. for RMM Records & Video Corp. ESTOY ENAMORADO (I'M IN LOVE), was recorded in Colombia and Puerto Rico with the support of the best musicians in the salsa genre. This production not only brings us romantic salsa, but it contains two other musical genres as well...the Caribbean rhythm in the song "Fenomenal" (Phenomenal) and the street salsa rhythm in the song "Pal Bailador" (For the Dancer). "This new production really demonstrates my ability to interpret different musical rhythms, without leaving behind my primary objective, romantic salsa," Jerry confesses."ESTOY ENAMORADO" is also the title of the promotional single, and was written by Donato and Estefano, with arrangements by the well known Ramon Sanchez, of Puerto Rico. Jerry Galante was born in Cali, Colombia a city where "salsa" is the most important musical genre. From a very young age, he became interested in Tropical music and took is first musical steps by participating in several national singing contests. Jerry took the most important step in his musical career when he decided to take up residence in New York in 1991. He shared the stage with several local bands and formed his own orchestra focusing his music on two different genres, "salsa and cumbia". His first album, "No Me Digas Que Te Vas" (Don't tell me that your leaving) was very successful, opening the doors to the artistic world. His music reached the top of the charts in countries such as the United States, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, and many others in Latin America. Last year, he received a Platinum Record in Cartagena, Colombia, indicating the strong support he has in his native land. Jerry Galante has participated in several important events such as The Colombian Independence Day Festival and The Latin American Festival of Queens. He was also part of the concert Colombia Te Canta (Colombia Sings), presented at Madison Square Garden and produced by Ralph Mercado. In 1995 Jerry Galante accomplished several triumphs. Among them are: "El Caracol Caribe in The Caribbean Music Festival in Cartagena, Colombia. "The ACE Award as best local artist in the city of New York. "The Paoli Awards of Puerto Rico as international artist revelation in salsa. In the year of 1999 Jerry Galante came out with his fourth production titled SIN RESERVAS which was very successful with his hit song "Se Prendió El Rumbón". Jerry Galante has well represented the salsa in Latin America, USA, and Europe. RENOVADO is the title of his recent album and is obtaining a big success. Jerry Galante un talentoso salsero, nacido en la cuidad de Cali, Colombia ha logrado alcanzar grandes triunfos a lo largo de su carrera artística, la cual comenzó a muy temprana edad en su país natal, siendo participe de numerosos concursos de canto a nivel nacional, fue entonces cuando en su vida se afirmo la idea de ser una estrella en el mundo musical. En el año de 1991 decide buscar nuevos horizontes y se radica en los Estados Unidos en donde nacen nuevas oportunidades que le permitirían seguir incursionando en el mundo musical como cantante de famosas orquestas; esto le permitió fortalecerse en el género de la salsa y es cuando hace un gran giro para independizarse y abrir camino con su propia orquesta. En los años de 1993 a 1999 grabó con las compañías disqueras GEOS RECORDS, RMM y LATIN STAR RECORDS, cuatro excelentes producciones musicales: LA DICHA DE TENERTE, con el exito "Déjame Intentar", TODO UN ÉXTASIS DE AMOR, con el éxito "Tu Eres lo Máximo", ESTOY ENAMORADO con el Éxito "Pal Bailador" y SIN RESERVAS con el éxito "Se prendió El Rumbón". Mediante estas cuatro producciones Jerry Galante a logrado posesionarse en el lugar de los grandes salseros. Su música ha alcanzado grandes lugares en los Hit Parades. Ha obtenido rotundos éxitos tanto en giras y presentaciones como también en ventas, que han dejado definitivamente huella en países de Suramérica, Centroamérica, Europa y los Estados Unidos. Importantes triunfos han llegado a su vida artística como los premios Paoli de Puerto Rico Artista Internacional Revelación Salsa, el premio ACE como Artista Local mas destacado en Nueva York, El Caracol Caribe en el Festival de Música del Caribe en Cartagena Colombia, El Concierto Colombia Te Canta en el Madison Square Garden y otros más. Definitivamente El Galante de la Salsa es orgullo latinoamericano, y ahora llega afirmando, cargado de energía a posesionar fuertemente su mas reciente producción discográfica, titulada, JERRY GALANTE RENOVADO, grabada en Colombia, con la participación del talentoso productor musical Diego Gale, además de grandes músicos.