Seven Stages of Hell (Purgatory)

Seven Stages of Hell (Purgatory)

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2002-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Repent:for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.According to: (ST MATTHEW CHAPTER 4 VERSE 17) REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! Confess your sins and change your ways ye fornicators,idolaters,effeminate,abusers of themselves with mankind. Thieves,COVETOUS,drunkards,revilers,nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! People;Hell is real and you don't want to go there!!!!!!! It's hot,painful,and accompanied with the gnashing of teeth on your body.(Constantly) REPENT!!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!!! REPENT!!!!!!! What would I get out of lying to you? Surely;I would gain the same hell if I lied to you. Bruce F. Tocklove7 Productions A Will To Power Inc. My motto:I believe in miracles. GIVERS GAIN! We all must become little governments of giving. Give to your church or favorite charities. Give to a vagrant. Give to a tramp. Give to a widow. Give your heart it's all the same. That should bolster us out of this economic crisis. GIVERS GAIN! A spirit of giving must saturate our beings and the rewards can not be measured. Giving is like a contagious wild fire and it spreads quickly. Get more bang for your buck because givers gain. The greater the cause;The bigger the bang. I tell you the truth that givers gain. What do you have to lose doing the same ole thing. Broke year after year;No give No gain. Are you insane? GIVERS GAIN! Log and give for a change. Log and give for a change. Log and give for a change. Stop being insane because givers gain. Go for the stimulus allocations. SUPPORT ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA WITH A DONATION. Documented:February 18, 2009 RIDE NATTY RIDE! What is loyalty? Any enemy of yours is an enemy of mine. What is betrayal? Any enemy of mine is a friend of yours. It's a conflict of interest because whoever is not for you must be against you. Don't judge people on what they say;Judge people on what they do! Then you will understand who is on your side and you will yell serendipitously.I AM ON MY OWN! I no longer have a family so it's just me and The Lord forever more. I make no complaints in my testimony and my objective is to simply bare witness to the time I have lost dealing with betrayers.This testimony is designed to save whomever alot of time so don't deal with betrayers and eagles shouldnot hang around stool pigeons. Eagles fly above the clouds where stool pigeons dare not. The eagle and the stool pigeon have two totally different lifestyles so being communicative is utterly impossible. ALWAYS REMEMBER! If people are not for you;Then they must be against you. Can an eagle hit normal elevation if a stool pigeon is riding on it's back? Does anyone know how much energy it takes to lower your standards? I have become obsolete and I wouldn't wish the pain or the time I've lost on anyone. RIDE NATTY RIDE! BEING SMART MEANS NOTHING WITHOUT COMMON SENSE. I was around some people for years trying to tell them what to do.Even to the point of homelessness. I digress! No one took heed to my words or presence for years and years. I am no longer around and now people want to listen. Treat my ideas how you treated them in the past. You all have permission to treat my ideas with scorn! If you all didn't listen after all those years;What make me think you all would listen now. After all those years of betrayal;Why would I let it happen again? THAT'S NOT LOGICAL !!!!! Moreover;If I did tell you what was going on;You all would not understand and it would surely become tainted. Now after all those years of betrayal;Why would I betray myself? That would be insanity proving that am illogically insane. WE KNOW BETTER!!!!! Oh yeah;If you don't want people to know then you shouldn't share the information. The words that I type on my websites are for my own spiritual enrichment and edification. That basically means if you read it you read it and if you don't then you don't.HOPEFULLY YOU WON'T!!!!! The blessing follows me like it followed Joseph. I had to go solo and take over the reigns. PEACE! ENCOURAGING WORDS OF PEACE,LOVE,AND UNITY! People;This is no longer a war over black and white. The media is a trip sometimes when they give negative images of any race. It's a decoy! The battle is really over money. Both black and white people are poor so we need to stick together.If a bomb drop then I'll be crying for both black and white people. STOP JEALOUSY AND HATE! Some people don't have a problem with going to jail or hell. Jealousy and hatred takes over them and they can no longer think logically. It's called a reprobate mind and that basically means they are possessed by the devil. They gave the devil authority to control their life. People like that are already in hell. They can be freed of this jealousy and hatred but they are too enraged to listen. You shall worship no man but God. You shall worship no president but God. Don't be deceived and worship the false christ. These are the end times and that's the whole test. People need to read the bible and then read it again. I been to hell and back and Lord I chose the straight and narrow. The road to destruction is deep and wide. The road to salvation is narrow. CHOOSE ONE! ACTIVATE YOUR INTUITION! Jesus=Light=Intuition Devil or negativity=Dark=Void Intuition Focus your mind on Jesus and visualize the name of names in your mind at all times. The power is in the vision now use your intuition. You must literally focus your mind on Jesus because that's the light that will bring you out of darkness. That light will lighten up your brain and now you can see! Void Intuition works the same way. If you focus your mind on the devil and negativity then you will see dark. How can you possibly activate your intuition in the dark. The key is to stay focused on Jesus who is the light. If you can visualize sin;Why can't you visualize the name of Jesus? The power is in what you visualize now turn to Isaiah Chapter 26:3 now read! Solidarity on one accord is no longer radical. Thus you have hyper-inflation. Jeremiah Chapter 30 verse 5,6,and 7 5.For thus saith the Lord; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear,and not of peace. 6.Ask ye now,and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins,as a woman in travail,and all faces are turned into paleness? 7.Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it:it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA! I am looking forward to 4 years of peace and then the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I must admit that former President George W.Bush did an excellent job of ushering in The New World Order. See Ya at Megiddo! O-ba-ma ma ma 0-ba-ma ma ma... PEACE! Documented:January 21,2009 TRIED AND TRUE. Alot of people today will ask;"What are the seven stages of hell(purgatory)?" Well;When you listen to the song seven stages of hell;That will basically tell you that's your ass! Any more questions? When people in the world take their bullshit too far is when one must become uncompromised,unwavering,resolute,and final. Anything else will allow the serpent to bite without enchantment. Always remember that might makes right so be right. A prophet is never acknowledged in his hometown(family)so the truth coming from your mouth will be disregarded. They don't know who you are and they couldn't buy a clue even if the clue was given for free. Don't spend your years telling the truth to people who don't listen. Dust off your shoes and keep it moving to the people who will listen. Besides;You don't have all of your life to cast pearls to swine. Those who do the will of God is your family so you must renew your mind. Lord have mercy on the persecuted,reviled,slandered,and betrayed. How you gonna know how tough you are if your not tested? TRIED AND TRUE! Documented:January 22,2009 Elvis Presley claims that the only thing a black man can do for him is shine his shoes.All that racism after stealing the black man's music.Deezam! Our black gospel and r&b made Elvis Presley and all the white wannabe rock n roll you listen to today. That goes the same for John Wayne and anyone who make claims that really don't belong to them. The original cowboy is a black cowboy but no one will tell the truth.Right? I SWEAR;The white man steal everything and got the black man thinking he is the thief.Deezam! A SPECTACLE OF HEROIC ACTS by:Bruce Ferguson People claim to love heroes but really hate them in their heart. Heroes have authority(love)and most people don't like that kind of authority. Heroes don't choose to be heroes. Heroes have something in their heart(love)and they don't hesitate to use it. The tools that a hero use is called elevated love. Most people cannot comprehend this elevated love so we tend to hate things we cannot comprehend. Heroes feel un-appreciated after expressing all the love they had to give.(Even unto death) The same people that hated the elevated love will make claims that he(The hero)was never loving to begin with. The public will believe these lies told by the devil and then the hero becomes bitter. That bitterness makes him(The hero)the villain and now the public calls the hero a zero.(A bitter zero) The hero that was quote on quote turned into a bitter zero was slandered by an ungrateful public because the people didnot appreciate his elevated love. The hero says;I am being tested by an ungrateful public and the devil is holding the puppet strings. Since the people couldnot appreciate my elevated love;I will show them my elevated hate 100 folds. Now the hero really is perceived as the villain with 100 folds of elevated hate. The devil know that hate is the weakest emotion in the universe and it is designed to destroy the young hero turned villain. However;That destruction don't apply to me because I was born to raze hell. A minister of God,A revenger to execute wrath upon him that do evil.(ALL DAY AND NIGHT) I will no longer explain but I will show you who I am. A hero turned villain into a king. Long live a king. We all seek a joyful existance that is filled with self-discovery and freedom. The labor that we labor in is only good for our eyes. Surely we cannot eat our houses and cars. So for this;Eat,drink,and be happy because that is good for your soul.WISDOM! CURSE NOT THE KING Ecclesiastes Chapter 10 verse 20 Curse not the king,no not in thy thought;and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber:for a bird of the air shall carry the voice,and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. THE STORY OF A KING Once upon a time there was a king and the king served the people with love. The people didn't realize he was a king so the people served themselves of him. It only took a few people to betray the king and now everyone looks like a suspicious enemy. Most kings are made tyrannical by the people so the people must tread softly. IMAGINE! Can you imagine being at the outer-edge of an expanding universe? There is nowhere to go but out further and further forever and evermore at the speed of light. Imagine being sucked into a black hole or a prism of expanding light where your body continuously stretch.(Rubber Band Man and a Legion of Doom) Imagine being thrown in a bottomless pit where the free fall is fast and falling forever. (Space and Time is Warped) Speed turns into Inertia and your over the hill and around the mountain in time! (Twi-Light Zone Gigante Scary) Notice how people don't complain when fear is at hand. Keep that mind-set and then overcome fear. Don't fear;Light energy overcomes dark energy. The universe will expand and dark energy and dark matter will coincide like always. The earth will not burn,freeze over,or float out into space.The earth will remain in orbit on it's axis 93 million miles away from K-1. LIKE ALWAYS! Typed by the Alien:Wiggies,Twiggies,Jiggies WHO AM I? I cut roughly. I speak in code,fluently. I am a member of a well established community. My favorite quote;"Life would be much easier if we had the source code." By The Code;FMH A coup de tat is at hand. Documented: December 8,2008 THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS Broken treaties! The trail of tears! The Indians fought along the side of Andrew Jackson in 1814. Later on in 1831;President Jackson kicked the Indians off their land. The Cherokee was the last to go still thinking they had a deal. LET'S PAINT THE WHITE HOUSE BLACK ! I see a white door and I want it painted black. Documented: Novemeber 18, 2008 Here is a question we must ask ourselves. If we believe then why do we worry? WHAT IS HELL? Hell is like watching your dreams die. Heaven is like keeping your dreams alive. BARACK OBAMA WINS THE PRESIDENCY AND THE SOON TO BE DISSOLVED REPUBLICANS SCREAM IN VAIN. Documented:November 4,2008 Happy days are here again La Da Da Da La Da Da Da Laaa Da Da Da La Da Da Da HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAINNNNNNN;MY FRIENDS GAMES ARE FUN! Are conclusions based on facts? Facts are easily tampered into lies. The truth is solid as a rock so let us talk about the truth. The truth is that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. The truth is that all presidents are decided before anyone ever cast a vote. Example:The 2000 Election It's who control the buck! WHAT DISSOLVED THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? The vice-presidential pick of Sarah Palin dissolved the republican party.She went to negative to the point of a no republican party return.Although the republican party was slowly moving out under George W. Bush;Sarah Palin put on the republican move out after burners.That's The Truth I could easily mention alot of evil things about the republican party but I want speak bad today. Barack Obama has been elected president so I want speak bad this day. Documented:November 5,2008 DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND REGARDLESS OF PERSON OR COUNTRY? Let's throw the facts out the window and deal with the truth. Do we think America can enslave black people and get away with it? I don't think so! Do we think America can kill off the Indians and then snatch up their land to build railroads and such. I don't think so! What about the two bombs America dropped on Japan that killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people? Does America think we can get away with that? I don't think so! America never really apologized for putting black people in chains for centuries. Black people built this place called America and this is the thanks we get. Black people invented many inventions that benefit us all and this is the thanks we get. It's time for America to apologize for the crimes committed against black people and then we can come together. Do I think America will apologize? I don't know? However;I do know the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Matthew Chapter 20 Listen;I can go on and on about the truth because facts can be tampered with and they usually are. The truth is like an oak that is strong and steadfast. Documented: November 6, 2008 FOX NEWS IS JUNK FOOD THAT'S NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! After Barack Obama's 30 minute manifesto;The democrats cry for joy and the republicans scream in vain. Documented:October 29, 2008 How could they call Barack Obama a socialist when the same tax plan was implemented under Bill Clinton? Everybody Prospered!(Period) ONE POLITICAL PARTY SHOULDN'T HAVE SWAY OVER THE OTHER! (EVER) The two party system has not worked and this country and we are a fairly young country.It's crazy to have political teams deciding the future of America.(They are on teams for Christ sake) Political parties were made to create division and the political term is checks and balances. (The blues against the reds are like the bloods against the crips or the cowboys against the redskins) How can they possibly do what is best for America when they are too busy fighting each other. We all have been hoodwinked,lead astray,and bamboozled! (SOLUTION) A one party system will decrease divisions where more things could get accomplished for America and the American people. Common ground should be made for America and the American people.Common ground will never be made with political parties.Political parties become teams,teams become clicks and clicks inevitably are gangsters. WE MUST END POLITICAL PARTIES THUS WE END THE FILIBUSTER! Fantastic lies will die fantastically. Terrific lies will die terrifically. Some people may feel the need to try and spark lofty ambitious tour de force to millions of people but 1 person will do. My websites are designed for that particular particle(s). Now those particles shall spark like amazing things that we can and can't see in space. When sparks hit WILLING particles they always cause explosions. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom-Boom Boom.... Barack Obama ate John McCain's lunch at the third and final presidential debate. Documented:October 16,2008 Is Sarah Palin the real terrorist? The Alaskian Independent Party believes in separating from the other 49 states and district of Columbia.(Separatism) That would be Sarah Palin's main goal if elected vice president. Is it me or has anyone else noticed how condescending Sarah Palin is towards the other 49 states? THE REPUBLICAN RALLIES ARE REALLY KU KLUX KLAN RALLIES! Just listen to how they called Barack Obama a hooligan. The word hooligan coming from their mouth basically means a black nigga boy.The uncle tom in the crowd spoke out of fear because he was obviously in the wrong damn place at the wrong damn time. John McCain said nothing to ease the racial tension.McCain didn't say a word to reprimand the crowd about this unjust racial tension so don't vote for McCain!(period) Keep in mind that racial tension that's not challenged is obviously condoned.SHAME ON YOU REPUBLICANS!!! This is the type of shit-faced rallies that start racial wars because they were obviously Joe six-pack drunk! Documented:10/9/08 McCain shows some class by sticking up for Obama at a republican rally.Now it is Palin's turn. Documented:10/10/08 When a black man run for president you will have these little racist republican player haters yelling kill em and off with his head.People really don't understand that the magnitude of those comments could cause a race war. Palin let Pandora out the box and Barack Obama's job will be to put her back in the box. Just watch what transpire.Just watch you little racist republican player haters. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS ANTIQUATED AND DISSOLVED! Documented:10/11/08 BARACK OBAMA SERVES UP JOHN MCCAIN IN THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE! Was it me or could you hear John McCain's insides screaming in vain?Oh how I hate that black man! Oh how I hate the black man! Ha Ha Ha... John McCain's feelings were hurt to the point of not even shaking Barack Obama'a hand at the end of the debate. Ha Ha Ha... After the debate was over John McCain high-tailed it out of there and Barack Obama stayed and talked with the people. Documented: October 7,2008 JOE BIDEN WINS THE VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE! Why? Because substance won over adorability. Sarah Palin did not answer the questions and basically talked about whatever she wanted to talk about. To me that's funny and entertaining but far from presidential.Ha Ha Ha Documented:October 3,2008 The republican party is dissolved as I can hear the fat lady sing(La La La La La...)and Anastasia screams in vain. Sympathy for the Devil(Hell No) I held a tank at a generals rank when the blitzkrieg came and the bodies stank A FEARFUL ECONOMY by:The Wizard Supreme A $700 billion dollar bail out means nothing without consumer confidence. The customers at Washington Mutual panicked and took all of their money out of the bank.That was due to a lack of consumer confidence. Every American could have 1 million dollars but it means nothing if your scared to spend it.If your scared to spend it then chances are your not multiplying it back into the economy.There is a terrible fear that makes the consumer hold onto their money for dear life.This terrible fear started from crooked dealings from the top and the bottom will pay. Spending money creates jobs so if nobody spends their money then jobs are lost.(Economics 101) You can pump a zillion dollars into the economy but it don't mean nothing without consumer confidence. Barack Obama's idea of raising the FDIC to $250,000 dollars per account create consumer confidence but we need more! The question really is who created this fear?Once we can identify the fear is when consumer confidence will elevate. This fear must be specified with the names and ranks of those who created this fear.If this fear is generalized with no names or ranks then consumer fear will continue. Investigations must be ran in order to end this terrible consumer fear. Keep in mind that we already gave $325 billion dollars for fannie,freddie,and aig.The stock market still dropped to a record low -777. If consumer confidence don't take place and a radical way then that $700 billion dollar bail-out will surely go bust. How could we take 100 billion dollars of tax payers money and put it towards wooden arrows.(Pork) That fat could have been trimmed immediately by simply putting that 100 billion dollars towards an aggressive economic stimulus package. When people have money to spend it boost consumer confidence.The government don't care about the people and they are going to blow it!!! John McCain has the wrong slogan for his campaign! It should not be country first;It should be the people in the country first.(Politics 101) A country is a geographical location and people are you and me.If we put people first then the country shall be first.(period) If we put a geographical location first then a majority of the people will struggle.Putting people first transcend America because people are America.(Politics 101) Example:The Iraq war cost 12 billion dollars every month. That's putting country first but now your house is in foreclosure,you can't find a job,and thus you struggle with the economy.Don't you see that when you put people first you put country first.(Politics 101) Listen;The only people who really win are the barons and that include George W. Bush and John McCain.These cats will yell country first;now show your patriotism! If you don't yell country first then your not patriotic.While you dumb republican fucks are yelling country first them crooks are taking off with the loot.You stupid republican fucks may ask why are they taking off with the money. Here is George and John's answer;"It takes alot of money to maintain our life-style when a depression is going on." I hate republicans I do I do! What do you call a country where 95% of the people don't have and the other 5% keep getting richer? Answer:A third world country with totalitarianism.(fascism) A little psychology note:According to the theory,suspension of disbelief is a quid pro quo:The public tacitly agrees to provisionally suspend their judgment in exchange for the promise of entertainment.Will entertainment prevail over judgment in this 2008 presidential election? Class Warfare:The first shall be last and the last shall be first.(The end times)Keep in mind that America got their riches from slavery,stealing the Indians land,and big time crooked dealings all across the board.What goes around comes around.Tell me if am lying? Everybody wanna go to war;But what do they really know about war?War is good judgment accompanied with a strong initiative. I watched the 2008 Ryder Cup and saw Americans cheering with the chants of U.S.A. which is good. However;In this 2008 presidential campaign;John McCain got Americans cheering against the U.S.A. I say this because each time I watch McCain and Palin;I can hear their republican followers yelling U.S.A ... That make me believe those chants are against Democrats who just happen to be Americans.(Democrats are from the U.S.A. so don't chant against us)! We are already divided as a country and if McCain and Palin had enough heart they would tell their racist republican followers to stop the U.S.A. chants and listen to the issues. I tell you the truth;I love my country but I hate my government. I believe in individualism where all human beings should be self-governing because our government has failed us. If you had a job and ranned up trillions of dollars of debt in American tax payers money would you be able to keep your job?Yes or No I love my country but hate my government.Good job Baby Bush for bankrupting the American people for generations and generations to come.Surely;We couldn't do it without you so thanks again for your expertise in corrupt bankrupt! I don't believe that 300 people should be able to decide the future of 400 million people.That's what you would call an unbalanced abuse of power. 400 million heads are alot stronger and smarter than 300 heads.Look at the consequences of a government that don't listen to the people.Without the voice of the people there is no government.Just look how the government has been ran without your consent on trillion dollar deals and shady corruption all across the board.Just because you vote for a president don't mean you have a voice but just a vote.Just a vote! Just a vote! Just a vote! Look at the consequences of your vote for Baby Bush.That's proof that a vote without a voice means nothing. So for this;We need to put into legislation a law that"All American citizens have the right to vote on the most important issues concerning our tax dollars and livelihood.Why?Because we are all Americans despite what the Republican party may argue. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. Let's go America! Let's go with The Wizard Bill! Sincerely;The Wizard aka The illuminate Lookie;History states that sooner or later the people will rise up and over-throw a government such as this.America is really young compared to other civilizations. If the government continue to make bad decisions then it will be just a matter of time for the fall of America. Every great civilization has fallen for Kings and Presidents and you say it's the American way.The American way is to keep this country going;regardless of what the small percent of rich folk may think.The hell with what they think when it comes to survival.Just as sure as inflation will rise the tempers will rise right along with it.It will soon be survival of the fittest and people are going to act like The Lord of The Flies! As John McCain would say;"Anarchy my friends,Anarchy"! I don't give a problem without an answer and the answer is "The Wizard Bill" that basically states that all American tax payers shall vote on the most important issues about American Tax Dollars and Livelihood for all American families.All Americans should be able to vote for war or peace but they must be American Citizens! Surely;400 million American minds will bring the right outcome to these vital topics with guidance from the government and not demands that have people protesting in the street. If people have enough hoom tooms to protest in the street then elevated tempers are an inevitable reality that could mount into a nightmare of epic proportion. (Just the messenger) BLACK PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE REPUBLICANS!!! The republican party was built on a foundations of racism in 1854.The republican party was formed just for the simple fact of trying to keep slavery in effect. Don't you understand that these tactics are still going on to this day by the use of economic desperation.That economic desperation turns into crime thus you throw the black man in jail.When the black man is thrown in jail he has to make license plates,clean the highways,and bust that rock for pennies a day.(slave labor) Now keep in mind that the white man enslaved the black man,slighted the yellow man,and killed off the red man to build railroads and such and now the white man still complain about affirmative action after having a 400 year head start.CAN I GET A WITNESS? Any black person who is a republican is an idiot. IDIOTT WITH TWO T'S It saddens me that some ignorant black people don't realize that they're supporting a racist republican party. Just because the white man throw you a bone don't mean you need to be a sell-out all of your life now does it? Can you please try to stand for something besides modern day slavery for once in your house nigga life? Black people were republicans well before we were democrats because our quote on quote"slave masters"forced us into their party. I reckon some black people are still use to it. Listen;Democrats have and always will be for the people and the republicans are for a select few.(The rich) Only 1% of our United States population is rich so 99% of the population get left out. Now you tell me who is your president? Barack Obama said;"He is going to give tax cuts for 95% of the American population". John McCain lies on Barack Obama by saying Barack is going to raise everybody's taxes.That's a flat out lie by the republican party. The republican party lie so much and now there is a rancor in my heart.Oh how I hate the republican party! If John McCain is elected president then it's quite obvious that people would rather suffer than to have a black man as president.The republicans actually feel this way and that in itself is "Un-American". I listen to the republicans chant U.S.A. as if the democrats aren't Americans. This is proof that the republicans treat all others like second hand citizens.If you aren't republican then your not playing for the U.S.A. If your a democrat then your playing for China. I don't get political but I know descrimination when I hear it. The republican party need to be obliterated and the democrats won the gold. Sincerely The republican party is so antiquated;I think I saw a few white wigs at the rnc. Sarah Palin's attack on Barack Obama really was an attack on all democrats. The speech was designed to make her sound intelligent but not yet equivalent. The economy is in a shambles so that graphed recessive,shrilled tirade,accompanied with racist overtones want hold up my dear. Nice try but no cigar hockey lady,one inch vertical leap jump sky hook,hate things black so hit the hockey puck ak-47 firing off your mouth like blank buck shots kind madam. Both Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin specifically mocked Barack's experience as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago more than two decades ago,where he worked with people who had lost jobs and been left behind when the local steel plants closed. Let's clarify something right now. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING IS HOW ORDINARY PEOPLE RESPOND TO OUT-OF-TOUCH POLITICIANS AND THEIR FAILED POLICIES. And it's no surprise that,after eight years of George Bush,millions of people have found that by coming together in their local communities they can change the course of history.That promise is what our campaign has been about from the beginning. Throughout our history,ordinary people have made good on America's promise by organizing for change from the bottom up.Community organizing is the foundation of THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT,THE WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT,LABOR RIGHTS,and the 40-hour workweek. And it's happening today in church basements and community centers and living rooms across America. Meanwhile,we still haven't gotten a single idea during the entire republican convention about the economy and how to lift a middle class so harmed by the Bush-McCain policies. It's now clear that John McCain's campaign has decided that desperate lies and personal attacks--on Barack Obama and on you--are the only way they can earn a third term for the Bush policies that McCain has supported more than 90 percent of the time. But you can send a crystal clear message. Enough is Enough.Make your voice heard loud and clear by making a $5.00 donation right now: Thank you for joining more than 2 million ordinary Americans who refused to be silenced. Just go to: and compare and contrast the issues of both candidates before you make your decision. John McCain don't even think your smart enough to investigate the decisions that you make. All I seen on the republican side is over-rated bullshit that questions millions and millions of people's patriotism. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL WOMEN TO KNOW John McCain and Sarah Palin are saying: WOMEN DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. If a woman has a high risk pregnancy then the republicans are basically saying it is alright for the mother to die. It is the same case if the woman is a victim of rape or incest.SOME PEOPLE DON'T EVEN PRACTICE WHAT THE PREACH. I have a campaign slogan for all you racist republican rednecks. "DRILL DEEZ NUTS IN YA MOUF" "DRILL DEEZ NUTS IN YA MOUF" "DRILL DEEZ NUTS IN YA MOUF" So forth in so on... It is amazing to me how much John McCain constantly inSINuate and basicly say that Barack Obama is un-american. What John McCain is really saying is that all black people are un-american especially if your black and not a republican.It's not a mystery that most black people aren't republicans because the republican party was built on racism.(period) The research state that america was built on racism and that's why the republican party must be obliterated. Note:Republican's shouldn't use other people's songs without their permission. The song barracuda don't apply to Sarah Palin and the ladies from the rock group heart understands that. Heart don't want to lose any cool points and that's why they said you can't play their song.Ha! You can't call a racist republican a barracuda just because they played a little basketball. Barack is the barracuda and he'll be using that song. John McCain comes from that old school of racism and that's not change. Black people built this country and invented many things. Garrett A. Morgan:invented the gas mask that saved many live in world war 1(1914) Garrett A. Morgan:Automatic Traffic Signal(1923) Dr.Daniel Hale Williams:The first open heart surgery. You can find many more black inventions Black people fought in every american war and Crispus Attucks became the first casualty of the american revolution and these out-of-touch republicans still say black people aren't americans. After many black inventions,mis-treatment of all colorful people,disenfranchisement and slave labor.Maybe black people have the right to be pissed but we are still americans you racist republican fucks. That goes the same for the skin-heads,ku klux klan,and all the racist regimes.Trust me when I tell you they are all republicans and that's why the republican party needs to be dissolved. Black people made the white man rich when the white man put black people in chains and made us do all the work.If we didn't do the work then they would SIMPLY kill us. The black man made your great great great... grand pa rich and yet the racist republican party still complain about a bone with subliminal racist overtones. This is how the racist republican party always treated black people because the republicans are racist,ungrateful,un-appreciative S.O.B.'S Almost everybody in my family is military and black but you want to say were not americans and don't put our country first. Well black people don't have to prove how american we are because history will show that black people are america. We raised your little white babies and we were babies ourselves but you racist republicans can't recall. The republican party is antiquated and need to be obliterated because they are the true terrorist in war,economics,education,and divisiveness of everything not white and republican.The wig party faded away and the republican party shall do the same. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS OBLITERATED! THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS DISSOLVED! George W.Bush and his entire cabinet need to be brought up on charges for hurricane katrina,the 9 trillion dollar debt,bad schools for the black children born in poverty,and economic desperation which lead to crime that put the black man in jail.(modern day slave trade) George W.Bush need to be investigated in brought up on charges when he was the governor of Texas. Sit back in think about what it means to have a 9 trillion dollar debt.It leaves a large debt for future generations. (Maybe) It could mean that China is going to want their money back. (Definitely) Ain't no telling how much money we borrowed from China. I'll say it again; Ain't no telling how much money we borrowed from China. I said this a while back that America is a third world nation robbing from Peter and Paul. Balancing the budget is really a small thing compared to the repo-man(The repo-man is China).America willnot have the willingness to pay China back and that's when all hell is going to break loose.(China is going to use military force against The United States) That's why China loaned us billions to begin with because they knew we werenot going to pay them back. That will be China's excuse to use military force against us.China send us dangerous imports and we do or say nothing to China.Why?(Because their military is strong) Why don't America give China a hassle?(Because their military is strong) We owe China billions of dollars and America is at the repo-stage and China is the repo-man. Why do you think China has been building up their military for years and years.It's definitely not to play patty cake or nick nack patty wack.The game their going to be playing is ring-around-the-rosies pocket-full-of-posies if you know what I mean. China ignore their citizens to build a military country for the end times. China will strike first and the events to follow will usher in a new world order. The European Union will be running things in this new world order because union means to unite. The United States and The European Union will unite. Stick with me baby! A country that has a 9 trillion dollar debt is a third world country.(economics 101) Inflation turns into hyper-inflation because the political parties are no longer willing to work together. The political parties are no longer on one accord so the economy is no longer radical.(Radical meaning complete) O.K.;Let me put it this way; Go to the bank and borrow $100,000 dollars and then don't pay the bank back.I don't need to tell you what's going to happen because you already know. America is going to file bankrupt and then merge our government with the European Union. (Peace will reign for a little bit and then all hell will break loose). Baby Bush knew these things because it was his job to create the war in Iraq and usher in a new world order. Why do you think Baby Bush and the republicans don't give a damn about the economy.(JUST THINK ABOUT THAT) I said this before and it's really common sense that most people lack.It's deep common sense filled with dark wisdom that most people lack.Only a select few can understand what they just read. The question at hand is to be or not to be?(No cliche's) That's why Baby Bush need to be brought up on charges.(or should he)? The Wizard,Nevermore The unknown soldier lyrics by:Jim Morrison Wait until the war is over And were both a little older The unknown soldier Breakfast where the news is read Television children fed Unborn living,living dead Bullet strikes the helmets head And it's all over For the unknown soldier It's all over For the unknown soldier, uh hu-uh A quote by:Brad "Scarface" Jordan "I don't give a fuck About the chatter in the background Nigga's get beat if they step This is ax town If you don't know I recommend you check And ask them mother-fuckers How many heads I put to rest I play the game and the game ain't roulette!" Hillary Clinton goes belly-up and bows down to Barack Obama as Anastasia screamed in vain. Documented: 6/3/08 Get a $5.00 dollar electronic gift card.Why Not? Just go to: and search: The Wizard Time is drawing nigh my little babies! Confess with your mouth that The Lord Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour! John 3:16 For God so loved the world,that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believe in him(Jesus)should not perish,but have everlasting life. DO YOU COMPARE THIS SMALL TIME ON EARTH TO ETERNITY? REPENT REPENT REPENT! St.Matthew Ch 4:17 17.From that time Jesus began to preach,and to say,Repent:for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH! First John Chapter 4:3-4 Second John Chapter 6-8 Second John Chapter 9 Luke Chapter 6:46-And why call ye me,Lord,Lord, and do not the things which I say? Refer to:Malachi Chapter 1:6 Turn away from your sins and then live life more abundantly. Endure all things with love and compassion.If you have all the materials in the world and don't have love then you have nothing. I tell you the truth and nevermore! THE BEAUTIFUL BEATITUDES Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? It is written in St.Matthew Ch:5 The Lord Jesus Christ said: Blessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn:for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful:for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart:for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers:for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake:for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye,when men shall revile you,and persecute you,and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely,for my sake. Rejoice,and be exceeding glad:for great is your reward in heaven:for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Continue reading until you get to verse 19 and Jesus said: WHOSOEVER therefore shall break one of these least commandments,and shall teach men so,he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:but WHOSOEVER shall do and teach them,the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. GOT RANK! The Wizard Web-Sites are designed to show the simple how to Take Power. Make up your mind to Take Power and thus you Conquer The World. Another note is Lofty Goals and don't stop short of them. If your goals are Lofty enough then your bound to go somewhere. Good Strong Lofty Goals There is another thing and this world that you can't buy or sell. GUTS!!! Don't be dumb;get yoself some. TAKE POWER NOW! Be loyal to yourself!If you say you are going to do something then just do it. Loyalty is a great attribute that is intertwined with love. TAKE POWER NOW! You must forgive your enemies and then you are ready for war.If you don't forgive your enemies then get the hell off the battle field.YOU ARE RENDERED USELESS! TAKE POWER NOW! TO ALL MY PEOPLE OUT THERE! Don't hate people because they are different but love them because God is our Father and we are his children. BROTHERS SHOULDN'T FIGHT BROTHERS! (MY PHILOSOPHY ON THE DOUBLE-CROSS) My philosophy on the double-cross is quite simple. If you double-cross me then you die. I don't play them type of games unless they are for keeps. The explanation for this method of madness is betrayal. When you under-estimate and roll the dice is when I will kill all you little haters.(With No Emotions). You little haters know who you are. A Prophet of Rage;Nevermore Who is The Wizard? A Black Triad. Who am I? The Wizard Gaff I am an illuminate the illuminate the great. The illuminati is a person claiming to possess special knowledge or enlightenment. So don't try it Bitch. That's why my websites are designed to show the under-dog how to take power.PERIOD! Big Up to Mighty Mighty Records Inc because we are in full effect baby and please don't forget it. A jewel from The Wizard aka Poet Supreme People will believe a lie over the truth without observation so don't worry about people. No time for looking back on the past because what's done is done baby. HELP PROMOTE LOVE BY LISTENING TO A SONG FOR FREE! REAL MEN RULE OVER WOMEN! Psalm ch 19:7 1 corinthians ch 11:1-3 Genesis ch 3:16 A real man don't follow a woman. Once you exercise this concept is when you can control your woman. America believe in God We Trust but not The Law Of God which is perfect.Our children must believe in The Laws of God. Society must conform to the Laws of God which is perfect. I tell you the truth. Romans ch 7:2 Deuteronomy ch 23:17 People don't choose to be black,white,latino,or asian but people choose to be a fag or lesbo. You must be the race God made you but you choose to be a fag or lesbo. How can you possibly compare being gay to the civil rights movement.Compare being gay to the actual factual Laws of God if you dare.I double dog dare you!!! NOW DEAL WITH IT! Psalm ch 119:142 1 Kings ch 14:24 Sodomy-sexual intercourse with a member of the same sex or with an animal.If you are a fag,lesbo,or sleep with animals then that makes you a sodomite and an abomination(s) to the nation(s). Feel free to e-mail me your comments so I can hit you upside the head with the word of God. The Wizard,Nevermore JESUS IS BLACK! THE TRUTH TENDS TO BE RADICAL! THE TRUTH THICKENETH! I AM LIKE A MADDOG AFTER A BONE WHEN IT COMES TO THE TRUTH! Revelation ch 1:15 15.and his feet like unto fine brass,as if they burned in a furnace; What color is brass?Brown What color is fine brass? Real Brown What color is fine brass burned in a furnace? Black So this make me believe Jesus could not be white.Unless you believe his feet were black and the rest of his body was white. How absurd does that look or sound? Mostly all the images you see of Jesus is white. Why is this? Would you tell people the sun,moon,stars and seas don't exist when we all can see them clearly? Why lie is the question? Is it because people can't handle Jesus being black? Is it because racist people need an image larger than life to compensate for their little hatred,envies,and jealousies. I am just trying to figure out why?That's all. Once we get down to the root of why people lie about the truth of color then racism will have a chance to end. The Good Lord made us all so why. Is it because the devil has a desire for you to worship a false image of Jesus Christ The Messiah? Hopefully you don't worship any image. Understand that idol worship and the worshipping of images is against The word of God.Jesus should be in your heart.Am I right or wrong? I just have a problem when people portray Jesus as white. How do you think that make people of color feel.The image of a white Jesus basicly and ignorantly states that white people are superior. However in the book of Revelation ch 1 verse 15 it states that Jesus was black.People who have inferiority complex tend to lie when the truth is staring them right in the face.What I am basicly saying is DON'T PUT UP ANY IMAGES OF JESUS ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE FAR FROM ACCURATE! Note:I can go on and on how Moses,King David,King Solomon, The Virgin Mother Mary,Cleopatra,and many many more were black and portrayed as white but I want. I can go on about how black music was stolen and then portrayed as white.Ex:Rock and Roll; Not that I care about Rock and Roll but these things should be known.The truth should be known. The truth is the light and it will always shine. Remember that! Quote The Wizard,Nevermore WHO WANT TO JUMP START THEIR HEALTH INTO ANOTHER STRATOSPHERE? Follow me Follow me Follow me Follow me 1.Eliminate the toxins in your body.(fast)Just don't eat or just don't eat all the time.Just a little discipline can save your life. 2.Use your common sense!If you drink alcohol and smoke weed;your big ass is going to eat more! Ex:Fast Food and Triple Whoppers and such! You can't do these things and expect to live a dynamic life.It ain't gonna happen baby. 3.You must stop or reduce the toxins entering your body. You must go back to step number 1 and juice your diet for 7 to 30 days.You want to live? 4.Get proper amounts of nutrition in the form of vitamins,minerals,enzymes.cofactors,and life-sustaining"energy" and make sure your system can assimilate these vital nutrients.You must get cleansed!Go to the health food store and get cleansed.Tell them you want the body cleanse. 5.Reduce or Neutralize the Electromagnetic energy that is attacking your body energy fields and cells. Ex:Cell phones,Remote controls,or any electrical fields. You'll get it! 6.Reduce Stress 7.Use your mind and words to create A HEALTHY ALKALINE PH,and actually change genetically defective dna structures into normal dna structures. (THE CAUSE OF DISEASE) 1.Too many toxins in the body 2.Nutritional Deficiencies 3.Exposure to electromagnetic chaos 4.STRESS Take these tools and build your self a bridge to excellent health.Study and investigate your health little babies. (HURRICANE KATRINA) I was watching the news one day and I heard a celebrity(I don't really like to use that term celebrity because what have they done to be celebrated)state that the Hurricane Katrina situation was about class and not race. Everyone and the angels above know that it was about race and class and much more about race than class. That's why the government ignored the Katrina victims for days. Regardless of race or class;Does that justify the treatment of the Katrina victims? America shall reap what they sow from taking the Indians land,to slavery,to the evil treatment of dark skinned people all around the world. I tell you the truth. People who were not there when Katrina hit really should keep quiet about Katrina. Let the victims of Katrina judge the situation and stop insulting their intelligence. THEY WERE THERE AND YOU WERE NOT! NEVERMORE! ANYBODY WHO WANT TO BE A REAL TRUE SOLDIER MUST FIRST LEAVE THEIR MOMMIES. The requirements are simple: 1.Express love to everyone and especially to those who are not so lovable.The love can be tough or tender but it must be in love. 2.A soldier must make his way in this world.He/She can listen to advice but the final decision belongs to that soldier. If anyone complains or becomes upset about your decision then tell them to go to hell. Win,Lose,or Draw;Live with your decision and be a real true soldier. When you die you die alone so live your life. People are around you but you are alone. SO BABY! Live your life and be a real true soldier. WHAT ABOUT OUR MOTHER? Speaking of mothers;Remember when you mother-fuckers talked our mother into buying them T-1 systems?(This was at Chamblee Tucker since nobody can remember nothing) I said;"Ma;Please don't let them nigga's trick you out of your life savings"! All of my ex ex family members told me to shut-up and sure enough y'all depleted my mother's life savings.Well;My mother is going to need those fundamentals back. Why?Because you all said it would work and I knew it wouldn't.(Because of greed) Someone also took $30,000 dollars from our mother to purchase a house.Yeah! She's going to need that back! What type of children would deplete their mother's life savings? These events coincide to this day and so for this;I am going to send up a ploom of smoke accompanied with fire and brimstone! I've yet begun to smoke you mother-fuckers. Do you all know what a mother-fucker is? Although it speaks for itself;A mother-fucker is someone who lives to fuck their mother. Mother-fuckers! The only problem with evil people is that they don't understand JUSTICE and JUDGMENT. Skull Duggery ain't for free because that shit is bought at a cost. Mother-Fuckers! The Wizard;Nevermore I am not the black Charles Manson but you really don't want to mess with me.That's the most valuable advice I could give you. The Wizard is having another poetry moment! They call me Wiz I am a rapper I see a girl and tap her I take her on the floor She don't dance I'll slap her The girl start to cry and the crowd's acting wild but if Wiz says dance you do or die! My Philosophy on Females: Any girl that was my girl is always my girl. That's just the type of guy that I am. LOYAL! The sad part about relationships is when we don't realize or accept the fact that they are over.(IT'S OVER) We ignore these facts to continuously go into a circle of meaningless sex and fake I love yous. No;I love you more!No;I love you more. The next time you will be smart enough to say and do what you need to do.(Hit it and quit it) Why would you stunt your growth for the next exploration of meaningless sex and fake I love yous? No;I love you more.No;I love you more. Variety is the spice of life so La Vida Loca and Dame La Chocha! The Wizard also known as Mafia The Mack;Nevermore A NOTE TO ALL BLACK SABBATH LISTENERS! If you bought your Sabbath cd at the store instead of stealing it then maybe just maybe Black Sabbath isn't your cup of tea. We Love You! Goodnight How about another stanza of poetry from The Wizard Supreme! To all you Bitches From around the world I wrote these songs for you You might not like my raps But am telling you Bitch it's true Mafia The Mack Drop Game. I was lampin with this honey She jumped in my shower Ten whole minutes seemed like an hour I opened up the shower curtains And her TT'S were hot I-FUCKED-THAT-BITCH-LIKE-SCOTT-LA-ROCK Lick an AIDS infested clit And now her coochie is damp 10 per cent first fruits Shouldn't go to get vamp Buy some candy pop rocks And get the change from a Food Stamp Mafia The Mack;Nevermore FUCK THE MU-SICK INDUSTRY AND LISTEN TO MY SONGS! Listen-means to take serious heed. I DESTROY ALL GAMES OF LOT!(THE LOTTERY) I DESTROY ALL GAMES OF CHANCE!(LUCK) WHO PLAY THE LOTTERY?(POOR PEOPLE) WHO PROFIT FROM THE LOTTERY?(RICH PEOPLE) Lottery and casino games are one big racket.Gambling is a wicked and evil practice.A curse will be put on all who gamble! PSALM 125:3- For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous;lest the righteous PUT FORTH THEIR HANDS TO INIQUITY. Just because lotteries and casino's are state sponsored does not make them right! Gambling is a fraudulent dishonest scheme! Gangster's would go to jail for gambling houses and running numbers.Why don't these states who sponsor casino's and lotteries go to jail? QUOTE THE WIZARD,NEVERMORE (BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN)!!! (BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN)!!! The scene of Hollywood looks like Sodom and Gomorrah and no one really cares.That is what Hollywood get for their Sodom and Gomorrah activites accompanied with a lack of morals! That's what Hollywood get for disrespecting the sanctity of marriage. That's what Hollywood get for their false portrayal of Jesus,Solomon,David,Cleopatra etc etc etc..... Note:The black woman wore braids and was a ten well before Bo Derek. That's what Hollywood get for covering up the black man's contributions to not only America but to the whole wide world.That goes the same for music as well. That's what Hollywood get for their racism,hatred,bigotry and pre-judgements of the black man before even finding out his character. That's what Hollywood get for black face and the devil has come to collect his due. Quote The Wizard;Nevermore!!! President Bush may be a racist but atleast he don't try to cover it up. Hollywood is a greedy racist!They may give an Oscar to a black person just to cover up their racism but you and I know talent has nothing to do with politics. Instead of riding the white man's Oscar and playing the role of a whore,hustler,gangster,and pimp;YOU SHOULD HANG AROUND PEOPLE LIKE ME! REVOLUTIONARIES! REVOLUTIONARIES WHO ARE NOT TRYING TO SEEK THE WHITE MAN'S APPROVAL. REVOLUTIONARIES WHO ARE OUT TO CREATE OUR OWN OSCAR'S AND PLAY THE TRUE JESUS ROLES WE ARE USE TO!!! QUOTE THE WIZARD;NEVERMORE!!! Put it like this! If you are black and sell out your community with negative images and typical ideas of a black man then woe unto you! Quote The Wizard;Nevermore! You don't hear me do you? Hollywood is burning just like Sodom and Gomorrah!The hills are burning and the air is filled with black smoke. OH HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD! HOW MANY LIVES HAVE YOU INFLUENCE IN A NEGATIVE WAY?PORTRAYING IMAGES THAT NO ONE CAN LIVE UP TO! HOW MANY STUMBLING BLOCKS HAVE YOU SET UP JUST TO RECEIVE GRAVY? ST.MATTHEW CH 4:17 REPENT REPENT REPENT! 17.FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND! SCIENTOLOGY OR THE KABALLAH WILL NOT SAVE YOU HOLLYWOOD! EVERYTHING IS A BIG JOKE TO HOLLYWOOD AND IT'S ALL JUST GRAVY!WHAT IS GRAVY?GRAVY IS UNEARNED OR ILLICIT GAIN. GRAFT!WELL THE DEVIL HAS COME TO COLLECT HIS DUE! QUOTE THE WIZARD;NEVERMORE! (MUSIC IS DEAD)Music? Music use to be a sacred thing spoken or sung in code. When Hank Williams did a song he really was sincere.The song was alot deeper becuase he owned it.You can hear it in Hank's voice.Now someone today can cover that same song but it really don't mean nothing.They really don't have a clue on where the song came from so they do it all willie-nillie.That's just an example on how music dies.If a white person from the suburbs try to rap about the hood or the ghetto then the music dies.The music is no longer authentic like back in the days. The reason is because these young people don't understand the codes of music.The young people don't understand the codes of life so am going to explain a few codes. Code#1-A woman can call another woman a bitch but a man should not.A man still will call a woman a bitch but that's a code among women. Code#2-A white man can call another white man a redneck because he has an understanding on how he is using the word redneck.Someone outside of the white race should not use that word because it is a code among white people. Code#3-A BLACK MAN CAN CALL ANOTHER BLACK MAN NIGGA BECAUSE WE UNDERSTAND WHAT WE MEAN BY THE WORD.ANYONE OUTSIDE THE BLACK RACE COULD NOT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND HOW WE USE THAT WORD BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BLACK! I know that black people are the coolest and everyone copy our style of music,clothes,and talk.People have copied these things from day one and that's fine with me.Just don't disrespect the codes. Atleast back in the day when a white man used the word nigga;The black man understood exactly where that white man stood. Give me an honest racist over a fake wannabee racist who like to use the word nigga anyday.THIS GOES FOR THE WHITE, LATIN,CHINESE,ASIAN,PERSIAN,OR ANY RACE OUTSIDE THE BLACK RACE. Don't be ignorant and insult the black man's intelligence. Stay within your codes and everything will be alright.Switching over into another code is a serious thing.This is how race riots get started.A race riot is much more powerful than a nuclear bomb. LET ME TAKE YOU TO THE NECK OF THE WOODS OF MY HOOD; BABY WE'LL SHOW YOU WHAT IT'S REALLY LIKE. Note;Black people have always stayed within our codes so everyone else better stay within theirs or a race riot is highly likely! The Wizard;Nevermore WILL YOU COMPARE THIS SMALL TIME ON EARTH TO ETERNITY? WELL WILL YOU? QUOTE THE WIZARD;NEVERMORE! READ THE TRUTH OF SHADRACH,MESHACH,AND ABED-NEGO! THE TRUTH CAN BE FOUND IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL CHAPTER THREE! (THE MARK OF THE BEAST)! THE BIBLE PROPHECIES ARE TRUE! (REVELATIONS CHAPTER 13:16-18) Don't be deceived in your mind and worship the false Jesus.Jesus is coming back so don't be deceived in your mind.Listen;When the real Jesus come back your body will be in spirit form.If you worship the false jesus in your physical body then you have been deceived. DO NOT WORSHIP THE FALSE JESUS IN YOUR NATURAL FORM! MAKE SURE YOUR BODY IS IN THE SPIRIT AND NOT IN THE NATURAL! 1.THE NAME OF THE BEAST 2.THE NUMBER REPRESENTING HIS NAME 3.THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST 4.THE NUMBER OF A MAN 5.THE NUMBER IS 666 WHEN THESE FIVE CLUES ARE FOLLOWED THROUGH THEIR LOGICAL PROGRESSION.THE NUMBER OR MARK OF THE BEAST IS THE NUMBER OF MAN WHO IS THE ANTI-CHRIST OR FINAL WORLD RULER.THIS NUMBER IS THE NUMBER OF THE ANTI-CHRIST'S OWN NAME! LISTEN AND TAKE HEED! WELL WIZARD;HOW DO WE PROTECT OURSELVES AGAINST THE MARK OF THE BEAST? THE WIZARD'S ANSWER:DON'T ACCEPT THE MARK BY ACKNOWLEDGING HIM AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR!DON'T WORSHIP NO MAN REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY MIRACLES AND TRICKS HE PERFORM!YOU WILL KNOW THE REAL TRUE LORD GOD AND SAVIOUR WHEN YOUR SPIRIT LEAVES YOUR PHYSICAL BODY THAT THE LORD GOD GAVE YOU!IF YOU ARE IN YOUR PHYSICAL BODY AND WORSHIP A MAN THEN WOE BE UNTO YOU! QUOTE THE WIZARD;NEVERMORE If you worship the false jesus while you can pinch yourself then your in trouble. LET ME PUT IT IN LAY TERMS! MY FRIEND YOU ARE GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET! UP THE RIVER WITH A BOAT AND NO PADDLE! I AM TALKING ABOUT CONSTANT SING SING,ALCATRAZ,ANGOLA,THE BLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA,CALIGULA THE MAGNIFICENT,ALEXANDER THE GREAT,NAPOLEON,JOAN OF ARK,DEVILS ISLAND,RIKERS ISLAND,THE OLD DAYS OF ENGLAND,ENGLAND,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,SLAVERY,NATIVE AMERICANS,THE ENGLAND OF OLD,LONDON BRIDGES,PARIS,THE TOWERS OF LONDON,THE TOWERS OF ENGLAND,BABEL,THE TOWERS OF BABEL,BABYLON,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS BABYLON,BLOODY ENGLAND,WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR,WILLIAM TELL,TORTURE,DISSECT,MATTERS OF IMPALEMENT,,MORNING GLORY,THE WHEEL OF DEATH,THE SPIDER'S KISS,THE BUTTERFLY,THE TOMAHAWK,THE DEVILS PRINTER,THE DEVIL'S APPRENTICE,DISEMBODY,DISEMBOWEL,PULL A PART,RIP TO SHREDS,THE RACK,THE TORTURE RACK,IRON MAIDEN,ROMEO AND JULIETTE,NOSTRADAMUS,THE BUBONIC PLAGUE,THE BIBLE CODES,HITLER,STALIN,HINDLER THE HANGMAN,THE BLACK DEATH,THE BLACK PLAGUE,JIM JONES,JIM MORRISON,PIGS,A BAY OF PIGS,FILTH,FILTH,AND MORE FILTH,OPERATION MONGOOSE,BLACK HAWK DOWN,D-DAY,VIETNAM,TORA TORA,BORA BORA,THE BIBLE CODES,KAMIKAZI,HELTER SKELTER,CHARLES MANSON,HARRY CARRY,HARDY BOYS,HARDY BOYS MYSTERY,MYSTERIES, NANCY DREW,CHARLOTTE'S WEB,FICTION,NON-FICTION,SCIENCE,SCIENCE FICTION,SCIFI,JUDY BLUME,BLUBBER,SUPER-FUDGE,JAWS,MOBY DICK,LORD OF THE FLIES,LORD OF THE RINGS,HUCKLEBERRY FINN,TOM SAWYER,ATTICA,ATTICUS FINCH,EDGAR ALLEN POE,GOLD BUG,LAGRANGE,MELANCHOLLY,HENRY DAVID THOREAU,NOSTALGIA,ANASTASIA,ANARCHY,ANARCHISM,ANASTOMOSIS, COMATOSE,COMATOSES,OSMOSIS,SUPER CHRONIC FRAGILISTIC,ESPEALLADOCIOUS,FEROCIOUS,PRECOCIOUSLY,PRECISE, TERROR,TERRORISM,THE TWILIGHT ZONE,TALES OF THE CRYPT,THE WIZARD OF OZ,HARRY POTTER,MUSIC WIZARD,WIZARD MUSIC,WIZARD WORLD,WORLD WIZARD,BOMBS,NUCLEAR BOMBS,OSAMA BIN LADEN,UPHEAVAL,CATACLYSM,CATACOMB,CATAFALQUE,CATALEPSY, APOCALYPTIC,APOCALYPSE,ABERCROMBIE AND FINCH,AFRO,AFRO-AMERICAN,AFRO PUFFS,PUFFY,PUFFY DADDY,P-DIDDY,THE RETURN OF MASE,MURDOCK,MELCHISEDEK,ABRAHAM LINCOLN,QUIET,QUIET RIOT,QUANTUM PHYSICS,QUANTUM COMPUTER,QUANTUM LEAP,PHYSICS,ALGEBRA,ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS,ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS,EQUAL,EQUATOR,EQUALIZER,EQUATE,ZODIAC,LEO,LION,ZION,ZODOC,ZODAC,ZADOK,MELCHISEDEC ,MARTIN LUTHER KING,MALCOLM X,AL SHARPTON,MOTLEY CRUE,POLITICS,POLITICIANS,GEORGE W. BUSH,JOHN KERRY,HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON,PAMELA ANDERSON,KING,KINGLY,9 ETHER CROWN,NIRVANA,KIRK COBAIN,YEAH YEAH YEAH,COURT,COURTNEY LOVE,GUNS AND ROSES,APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION,MEGEDEATH,BUSINESS IS GOOD,SWEET CHILD O MINE,DAMN,DANIEL BOONE,BOONESBORO,DAVEY CROCKETT,DAVEY JONES,DAVEY JONES LOCKER,AL CAPONE'S VAULT,DEAD SEA SCROLLS,RED SEA,RED RUM,MURDER,MATT DILLON,GUN SMOKE,CLINT EASTWOOD,BEGUILED,THE GOOD THE BAD THE UGLY,CHUCK CONNORS,BRANDED,THE RIFLE MAN,STEVE MCQUEEN,PAPILLON,MAX SAND,LEE MARVIN,THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALIANCE,ROBERT MITCHUM,FIVE CARD STUD IS PLAYED FOR BLOOD,BETTY DAVIS,ALL ABOUT EVE,BRUCE LEE,ENTER THE DRAGON,GAME OF DEATH,KAREEM ABDUL JABBAR,PAUL NEWMAN,COOL HAND LUKE,HUD,GEORGE KENNEDY,JOHN KENNEDY,BOBBY KENNEDY,THE LEGION OF DOOM,BLACK MANTA,GREEN LANTERN,FESTUS,THE HELL'S ANGELS,TUPAC,NAACP,THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY,PUBLIC ENEMY,PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE,JOHN LENNON,PAUL MC CARTNEY,THE BEATLES,ELVIS PRESLEY,JIM MORRISON,THE DOORS,MICHAEL JACKSON,MADONNA,BRITNEY SPEARS,MARRIAGE,THE BRITNEY SPEARS MARRIAGE,JENNA JAMESON,EXPLICIT XXX PORNOGRAPHY,THE HELLS ANGELS,NAZI,KKK,KU KLUX KLAN,GERMANY,THE GERMAN REICH,THE THIRD REICH,THE ORDER OF THE DEATH HEAD,BERLIN,CONCENTRATION CAMPS,DEATH CAMP,THE SS,THE GUSTAPO,THE BLONDE BEAST,BEASTIE BOYS,THE GERRING MEMO,THE NOREMBURG TRIAL,HYMIE,HYDRICK REINHARD,THE BUTCHER OF PRAGUE,ADOLPH HITLER,CHARLES MANSON,ESTER DID KABALLAH AND YOGA?,WASN'T EVITA ENOUGH?,DR.DRE,EAZY-E,REN,AND YELLA,ICE-CUBE,ICE-T,SNOOP-DOGG,EMINEM IS THE REAL SLIM SHADY,LUDACRIS,THE MOUTH FROM THE SOUTH,THE BEAST FROM THE EAST,THE WEST IS THE BEST,OUTCAST,SOUTHERNPLAYALISTICCADDILACFUNKYMUSIC,KRS.ONE,SCOTT LA ROCK,CRIMINAL MINDED YOU'VE BEEN BLINDED,ROXANNE SHANTE,SHE'S FEELIN KINDA HORNY,HAVE A NICE DAY,M.C. SHAN,DOWN BY L

