Durga Mantras for Protection

Durga Mantras for Protection

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2013-12-11
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Ananda - Vocalist on “Sacred Chants of Devi” Ananda Vdovic is a gifted singer, visionary painter, architectural artist and meditation teacher. Originated from Germany, she has been a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Art of Living Advanced Courses throughout Europe and in Asia for Thousands of people. Her knowledge of Vedic literature and philosophy is extensive. Her work in architecture design can be seen at the Art of Living Ashram in Bangalore. Ananda is well known for her inspired Devi and Madonna paintings, which shine with an illuminated beauty and can be seen on her website. Davor Vdovic is an accomplished musician and composer and also a well-known consultant in Jyotish – Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda and Pranayamas in Croatia. The beauty & subtlety of his expression reflects the inner peace of many decades of meditation practise. Together with Ananda he lives and works in Germany and Croatia. Today many people live in fear. These are powerful high-vibrational Mantras for Protection. Durga is the protecting aspect of the Divine Mother - the invincible power of Consciousness, which saves us from all dangers and negativity! Once when Ananda was in great danger, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar recorded a “Special Mantra for Protection” for her, which should be played at home: the Kartikeya Mantra included in this CD. Soon after that she was saved. Since then it has helped many people. In the last soundtrack “Blessing of the Goddess” first thunder is rising, followed by conches, announcing the Goddess - then her voice sounds from heaven: “Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu” - “May all beings in all worlds be happy !” You may use these powerful “Mantras for Protection” for yourself and your dear ones, for their high vibration of love & peace or for relaxation & meditation. Just close your eyes, relax and enjoy. This album was recorded Sept. 2011 to April 2012 in Bard Audio Studio Koprivnica, Croatia. Vocals by Ananda Vdovic Instruments & sound design by Davor Vdovic. Harp by Doris Karamatic. Mastering by Damir Bardek. Texts traditional. Graphic design by Aleksandra Bilic, Hugama. Paintings by Ananda Vdovic. Special thanks to Pundit Uday Kulkarni, Nasik.
