- 歌曲
- 时长
Impromptus, Op. 90, D. 899
Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 23 No. 3
Fantasie in C Major, Op. 17
KJ 黄家正首张个人钢琴独奏专辑「人生如戏」,以三首独具匠心的古典音乐,谱写人生三个必经的阶段-启航、迷失、重聚。舒伯特、史克里亚宾、舒曼作品的音调环环相扣。于舒伯特的C大调里启航,迷失于史克里亚宾的升F小调,最后重聚于舒曼最终的三个C大调的和弦。人生如戏,戏如人生,一段高低跌宕的旅程,邂逅一切的原因和答案。 Award-winning pianist, KaJeng Wong’s debut album ‘Seasons of Life’, draws a musical journey of three cyclic stages: Departure, Lost, Return Inspired by Schubert, Scriabin and Schumann, their tonality relate with the states of their souls, and form a musical unity intrinsically. Schubert Impromptu in C op. 90 no. 1 Depart for a wonderful world Scriabin Sonata no. 3 in F-sharp minor ‘States of the soul’ Lost in the abyss of the soul Schumann Fantasie in C op. 17 Return to core of hearts