- 歌曲
- 时长
Ahhh, the first CD - kind of like a first love in that it's special. Mine was a long time coming. It was the song My New Hero that needed to be heard. It's a story about my nephew continues to battle Multiple Sclerosis for over 10 years. Each song has a story about life, hopes, fascinations, faith, confusion, childhood, and observations of loved ones. There's even a cheery Christmas song about friends that are always close at heart. About myself... like most aspiring and hopeful artists I dream and work towards the day that I hear my song on the radio or TV. But not wanting to live on peanut butter and jelly in my golden years, I guess my fate is just that - it will have to be luck and opportunity without the sacrifice. I applaud, support, and admire those artists who give themselves to the grind of coffee shops, house concerts, coffee soaked tab sheets, and driving with one headlight and duct-tape holding the guitar case together.