- 歌曲
- 时长
Album description: \rI'm back with the third installment of the "Velvet Textures" series, after more than a year since the second volume. This work delves, yet again, into soothing & atmospheric tracks with my usual signature: an eclectic touch (which might as well be described as a concoction of a wide range of styles such as trip hop, illbient, dub, ambient, downtempo, acid jazz, hip hop, chill-out, neoclassical, and world music, to name a few). \rThere's also some new experiments thrown in the mix with some previously unexplored flavors (for instance: "Bioluminescence" and "Atmosphere Of Seduction", but not limited to). I think this variety might enhance the richness of your listening experience. :) \rWhen it comes to themes: like in the last two volumes, melancholy, dark undertones and chilling subtleties are a common trait in this album, often punctuated by prominent syncopated beats. Expect plenty of brass too with flügelhorn, trombone, sax and trumpets being present in many of these tracks. \rSome of the drums are rough, gritty and hard-hitting and there's even some some tracks with darbuka percussion for some Middle Eastern exoticness. \rBut enough with the spoilers, just listen to it and find out for yourself! :) \rI hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did throughout its production. Some of the tracks are the fruits of some pretty intense moments of my life, making them very special and meaningful to me. \rI would like dedicate it to everyone who's been supporting and sharing my project, my listeners, and to everyone who's special in my life, new friends, old friends, family (specially my grandmother who passed away on the 5th of August), the people I collaborate with and everybody who continues to inspire me to improve as an artist and as a human being, to those who have been motivating me to try my best to overcome my social anxiety (they know who they are, but specially Teresa), whose support has been thoroughly appreciated. Finally, I would like to dedicate this album to Elisabeth as well (my very first listener) and to my Russian friend Svetlana who's going through a rough period in her life: stay strong and get better soon! :) \rAs always, feel free to drop me some feedback in my Facebook page if you got anything positive or negative to say about my work: \rwww.facebook.com/Undogmatic \rOr, if you prefer, my Soundcloud page: \rsoundcloud.com/undogmatic \rAnd finally a selected quote for my listeners: \r"Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it." \r~ Ralph Waldo Emerson\rcredits\rreleased 01 September 2014 \rAlbum credits: \r"Ominous Intent (with Vitality)" is a collab. with Vitality: soundcloud.com/vitality97 \rPhotography By – Varvara - www.flickr.com/photos/la_farfalla_22/ \rMastered By – Undogmatic \rProducer – Undogmatic \rMixed By – Undogmatic \rArranged By – Undogmatic \rRecorded in Lisbon, Portugal, 2014