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`It Was Beautiful´ is Twin Melody's first original song. It's a pop song with a different twist to it. This duo creates a unique sound with their strong vocals and uplifting harmonies. Twin Melody has won several TV singing contests.In 2014 they won a TV singing contest called 'A Ze Banda' where they competed with other ten groups. This summer (2015) Twin Melody won a Spanish TV singing contest called 'CazaStars' with their single 'It Was Beautiful' in which over 1200 people took part. Thanks to this, they had the amazing experience of being the opening act of Alejandro Sanz at the Starlite Festival in Marbella. These 18-year-old twins are really successful on YouTube where they have over 160,000 subscribers and over 10,000,000 views on their channel called 'Twin Melody'. This promising group will release their first CD very soon where 'It Was Beautiful' will be included as their first single. They LOVE their fans and they can't wait to share their original music with them :) !! 'It Was Beautiful' es el primer sencillo de Twin Melody. Esta canción de estilo pop tiene un toque diferente ya que este dúo crea un nuevo y único sonido con la potencia de sus voces y sus maravillosas armonías. Twin Melody ha ganado varios concursos de canto en España. En 2014 ganaron un concurso llamado 'A Ze Banda' donde compitieron con otros diez grupos. Este verano (2015) Twin Melody ha ganado otro concurso musical llamado 'CazaStars' con su canción original 'It Was Beautiful', concurso en el que participaron más de 1200 personas. Como premio,tuvieron la gran oportunidad de ser teloneras de Alejandro Sanz en el Festival de Starlite en Marbella. Estas gemelas de 18 años tienen mucho éxito en YouTube, donde suben versiones de canciones pop conocidas a su canal llamado Twin Melody. Actualmente, suman más de 160.000 suscritores y más de 10.000.000 de visitas. Pronto sacarán su primer CD donde la canción principal será 'It Was Beautiful'. Aman a sus fans y están deseando compartir sus canciones con ellos :) !!