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(English) Surely one of the best representations that could be made to "French Touch" music, the album Thony Ritz releases here seems to be the link between a Daft Punks "Homework", an album (more recently for example) released by the "Marble" label, or even a punchy summary of Derrick May. After an efficient and noticed "Night City" album released four years ago via "My Major Company" on "Warner Music", Thony Ritzs second album reinterprets some labeled and dynamic boogie and funk music. You will be able to listen to it as well as at home than on journey, because this is what its all about: releasing a record to be on the road again and go far, very far away, even by staying on your sofa. Transit between the most rhythmical tracks to the softest one is what is brought you here, and Thony is still in the same idea of what is his vision of electronic music. We wont say more, its your turn now, listen and understand what you will want to understand (Francais) Surement la representation la plus moderne et noble qui pourrait etre faite a la "French Touch", le skeud que delivre Thony Ritz savere etre le vecteur de transition entre, pourquoi pas, un "Homework" de Daft Punk revisite, un album (de maniere plus recente) du label "Marble", voire meme un condense minutieux et repique a vif dun Derrick May. Apres un efficace et remarque "Night City" sorti il y a quatre ans via "My Major Company" sur "Warner Music", le second album de Thony Ritz reprend le boogie et le funk frappes de basses pour une ecoute aussi bien a domicile quen voyage, puisquindeniablement, cest de ca ce dont il sagit avant tout ; sortir un disque pour prendre la route, et partir loin, tres loin, meme etant assis dans son canape. Passer du plus rythme au plus moelleux cest la perspective quoffre justement ici Thony, tout en restant dans une vision precise de ce quest pour lui la musique electronique. On en dit pas plus, cest a vous de jouer, cest a vous den entendre ce que vous voudrez