Edition of 500. From the disc's liner notes: Valence is inspired by both the valence bond (VB) and molecular orbital (MO) theories An atomic orbital is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom. This function can be used to calculate the probability of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. The term may also refer to the physical region defined by the function where the electron is likely to be. Often, my compositions start with a feeling or emotional state. There is a likelihood of finding a certain emotion in a piece, but it is not guaranteed, nor do I know exactly when or where I will find it. The act of looking for that emotion in of itself will distort it. Although one would think experimental music grants complete freedom, when composing, I feel constrained by both my mental state and the way in which I build the piece. I find an unlikely parallel in quantum theory and composing. The electron that can exist on a different orbital plain can never have it's velocity measured or even its exact location known, due to the intimate connection between particles and waves in the wacky world of subatomic dimensions. All sounds recorded at various locations in North America and Europe.