Graupner: Das Leiden Jesu

Graupner: Das Leiden Jesu

  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


“Graupner holds in store music of the highest artistic sophistication. Flawless vocal achievements and an orchestra that savors all the color nuances of Graupner’s carefully thought-out instrumentation make these Passion cantatas a genuine listening feast.” This is what wrote after the release of cpo’s Vol. 1 featuring cantatas by Christoph Graupner. Vol. 2 now follows, just in time for Passiontide. Once again the instrumentation is manifold in its design, and it is here too that we find the key to Graupner’s personal style: he captivates his listeners not so much with catchy, easy-to-remember »melodies« as with intensive play with the various tone colors made available to him by the court chapel members and their instruments. For example, while the Cantata for the Third Sunday in Lent exclusively employs stringed instruments, for the Cantata of the Annunciation of Mary Graupner chooses a clearly more colorful instrumentation by additionally using two transverse flutes and two oboes opposing each other as pairs in the opening chorus. The instrumentation of the Bass Aria No. 5 in the cantata exhibits special finesse. Along with the pair of transverse flutes, the first violin part is given an original design: it has tones held for an entire measure in the lowest register on the lowest string, while the two flutes insistently repeat their syncopated motion. This recording is new proof that Graupner was indeed the most independent-minded and individual and composer of the German Baroque.
