by Glenn SwanBogdan Raczynski succeeds on this overstuffed EP by giving increased stage time to musicianship. Past efforts like Boku Mo Wakaran and Samurai Math Beats seemed to rely on pummeling the listener with so much percussion that melody barely peeked its head around the corner. This time around, however, amidst the arsenal of rhythms, Raczynski gives listeners beautiful (and not-so-beautiful) arrangements that earn him a gold star for improvement (see track four), albeit on a still-narrow palette of keyboard sounds. There's something about his predisposition as an artist that comes across as a next-door neighbor to punk, in so much as he takes an anachronistic approach to many of his subjects. Track three is an all-out cuss-fest, aimed at any DJ who dares to diss his music, and track six (aka "Unsatisfied Customer") is most likely thumbing its nose at Cylob (another electronic commodity on the Rephlex label) by mocking his radio-friendly single "Rewind!" from the previous year. Track eight is a creepy, thinking-out-loud proposition from Raczynski to an unsuspecting female clubgoer; a rather disrespectful proposition that nonetheless fits in with his caustic irreverence. As for his preoccupation for drill'n'bass, there is no mistaking that Raczynski is still a glutton for speed, but this release suggests he's at least driving a better car, and sometimes he's even leading the pack.