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Special Eyes, written by Jim Averitt is quit a noteworthy single. This song was originally tracked at Jimbobway studios to include Jim's guitar and vocals as well as Sally Newsome's vocals. Those tracks were then imported to the top end recording system at Recording EDGe where Jake Fleming added the saxophone tracks. Edd Gryder then mixed and mastered this extraordinary song and the single "Special Eyes" became a reality. Jim Averitt has performed with many artists of the caliber of the original Santana Drummer Michael Shrieve and along the way with artists such as Kenny Loggins, Dave Mason, Van Morrrison Steve Winwood and more... Jim’s marvelous songwriting style, consummate guitar playing and superb vocal ability with Sally Newsome brilliant voice and Jake Fleming’s mind-boggling sax lines were mixed to render a song that is astonishingly delightful.