- 歌曲
- 时长
At my ripe old age of 28, I'm finding myself coming to terms with my mortality. As responsibilities of work and relationships become more prevalent, making music I love with my bandmates has become a less frequent hobby. Most musicians will tell you they can't sit still forever. In conjunction with these points, I felt the need to record an album. Some of these songs are over a decade old and stopped being played 9 years ago. Some of them are brand new. Either way, there was material that I felt needed to be documented, because: A) The prior recordings we made when we were 18 were rushed by sloppy kids using equipment they didn't understand. B) I was afraid we'd never get around to recording some of these songs I so love, as a band. C) I wanted there to be documentation of my existence had I met an untimely demise. D) I wanted tangible proof that I was cool to show to my unborn children. Mostly, I was honestly afraid I was going to die before I could get some of these ideas recorded to a capacity that I would be proud to share. Or even at all. The entire process is/was a blast and I'm proud to be able to share it with the handful of people who may find it to be a worthwhile listen.