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Hello, My name is Stanley Barnes. I really want to thank you for taking the time to read this. Please allow me to tell you a little about myself. I'll try not to bore you too much. I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. And like yourself and so many others, I believe I was molded by all of my life's experiences along the way. I have always loved music, I guess from the first time I saw my father pick up his guitar and sing to an audience full of people, or the times watching others entertain or express themselves either lyrically or musically I guess, I, like others, picked up little pieces of them throughout my journey in life thus far. I first picked up the sax while attending Henry Ford High in Detroit, and I have been playing every since. I have played with several groups throughout the years and have enjoyed and learned many lessons from each band and their members. I also met my beautiful wife Brenda at Henry Ford, I knew when I first met her, just like with music, that it was meant to be, and that from our first encounter, it would last forever. We have been married 18 years now with 3 handsome boys Jordan, Brandan and Kadan. It was then that I learned a different kind of love, one that I never knew until I had them. And you parents out there will know just what I am talking about. Well anyway, This CD has been a lot of fun for me because I got a chance to express myself with different styles of music which is how I came up with the title Dedicated To The Love of Music. Actually I did have more material, but as you know you can only put so much on one CD. And to some of you who know me, you know that I am employed and provide for my family as a Firefighter. And often in this profession, you have many opportunities to see quite a bit that inspires you. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. But I always try to find the good in everything. I say that to say this: I chose to donate a portion of the Proceeds that I may procure to The Great Lakes Burn Camp. Fire has touched many lives in so many ways. My immediate family had the misfortunes of losing almost everything we had in our house fire in Detroit. It was devastating; it almost broke up our family. But that's a discussion for another time. I guess that's why I wanted to take this opportunity to... as Mrs. Stacy Jenkins of the Observer Newspaper said: "To combine two passions of mine into one common goal". As you will see with the Music on this CD, I chose this first time around to blend a mixture of styles and cultures all in the name of Love, Relaxation, Fun and Enjoyment. My approach to music is first from the standpoint that Music is Universal... There is no right or wrong song or musical phrase. It is a lot like Art. And as the saying goes, one man's trash is another's treasure. I may hear a song in my head and heart and choose to express it in a certain way. Now I am aware that this particular piece could literally go into a thousand different directions with all the possibilities of melodies that come to Artists. Which is right, which is wrong? I am firmly convinced that there is no right or wrong. If it sounds good and feels good to you or me, then why not? And its true at times I may sound totally different from anything that you have heard before, and then at other times, a bit like everyone that you have heard. But that's OK... You know, so many artists and musicians are looking for that perfect sound. I find that to be totally abstract. How can an imperfect person create something perfect? And then, maybe everything is perfect in its own way. Really I think what we are creating are perceptions. So then, if we perceive that something is wonderful, or beautiful. Then to us, it truly is. The challenge then is to pass that insight or acuity if you will, on to others by way of your passion in Art or Music. You know, I didn't want to use this as a philosophical outing. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a song inside of all of us. And I refuse to let anything mold or control that other than the way I feel at that time. And I may not particularly care for a certain song, but that doesn't mean that that particular song isn't cared for by someone. And I really think that if we could just accept it for what it is then we would probably find that we may actually enjoy it. I love, honor and respect all the other musicians that paved the way for all of us. And as I think that I am like a sponge that absorbs a little of all of them and as a result, as I play, you, myself and others may hear or feel something nostalgic in a phrase or movement. Sometimes this is done purposely, other times I discovered it after or as I did it. But my approach and my sound aren't done to mimic others. I hope you find something on this CD that you can grab hold of. I know that you may not love every song, but it is my hope that if you give each song a chance, it is going to make you feel something. That in my opinion is the purpose of music. We are moved to like a song after the song moves us. And the same is true of the songs that we dislike. So please sit back and share this moment in time with me as I attempt to move you. I really do hope that you enjoy something that you hear. This CD has 19 Tracks on it. Two of which are an "Intro" Track and an interlude entitled "Blowing the Horns". There are two vocal tracks one entitled "Brenda", and the other "Don't Worry Billy". The words are available upon request, or you could just do like we used to do in the old days... keep rewinding and asking, What did he say?... There is a remake or cover to the musical theme taken from the song "A Train" originally done by Duke Ellington. It is entitled Catching the A Train. It has a Big Band feel... And there are others... But I don't want to bore you with writing, please take the time to listen... Oh, before I forget... I've been inspired by many artists as I said earlier such as... Benjamin Pruitt Sr., Gerald Albright, Skip Pruitt, Dwight Adams, Elvis Presley, Sax Man George Benson, Guitarist George Benson, Luther Van Dross, Kirk Whallum, Jerome Davis, Kenny G, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Duke Ellington, Horace Silver, Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Sammy Davis Jr., Grover Washington Jr., Johnny Cash, Jim Nabors, Bobby McFerren, Ella Fitzgerald, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Michael Jackson, Anita Baker, Karen Carpenter, Janet Jackson, Prince, Johnny Walker, James Brown, BB King, David Sanborn, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Al Jarreau, Danny Kaye, Louis Armstrong, This list is incomplete, but I'll keep adding to it as I keep thinking. But as you can see, inspiration comes from many different avenues, and it is as multi-faceted as the people who offers it. To be continued... All songs were written, produced, composed, and arranged by Stan Barnes. All instruments and music programs were performed By Stan Barnes... Catchin the A-Train is a variation of the song entitled Take the A-Train which was originally done by Duke Ellington. All instruments in that song were also played by Stan Barnes. When creating this project, there was a strong attempt to capture a "Raw" almost "Live Feeling" inside a Studio setting. Hence, the phrase "Studio Raw" was comprised. This is the very essence of the majority of the feel that goes throughout. To convey this feeling there was an abandonment of the robotic and systematic approach that computers and recording equipment sometimes try to mold our music into. And if you stop and think, isn't this part of what makes "Live Music" so special, its spontaneity, even its mistakes that are turned into perfection. There is no cheat in the passion that every song tries to convey. This is truly a work of Art, not to be duplicated. There was a concerted effort given to not going back in and changing the natural into a more perfect sounding, but less perfect feeling. 1. Intro. This song is a smooth arrangement of strings with a silky yet simple Alto horn interchanging a musical serenade with Native Drums and percussion sprinkled throughout. I have chosen to use this music, which was taken from a song that I wrote earlier, which was entitled simply "Love" as a background to Thank All for their support. 2. Your Smile. A song with a beautiful bounce and backbeat that comes and goes as the Alto Sax and Cello Strings take turns with a smooth melody that takes you onto a journey to a slight breakdown where the Alto takes its time to bring you to a feet tapping and finger snapping disposition. All the while, the Bass is allowed to roam freely, something which challenges the mind to accept its own identity as it and the Drums work their own ideas of bringing the song to its completion. 3. Talking 2 Myself. Sit back and close your eyes while this song does the driving for you. It is incredible as you feel as though you are on a road trip right there in your living room. Two Alto Saxes were used to create the feeling of conversation, one with a slightly different disposition given through an inward effect. This was done to simulate sometimes what goes through our head as we think to ourselves while our minds sometimes wonder. But as you notice every so often they come together Octavely or harmoniously showing that amidst the confusion of life, it all comes together when we talk to ourselves. 4. Grand River. Talk about up tempo and Exciting!!! When you think of Grand River, what comes to mind? Well some of us think about a Street that seemingly goes everywhere, from Downtown in the Heart of Detroit to way, way out to the peripheral circulation of our brotherhood in the suburbs. But while that is true, you'll notice that Grand River has a strong none changing set of background chords that start at its beginning and supports it for the duration of its trip from one end of Grand River to the other. This kind of says that people are the same no matter where you go. You'll notice as the song goes to its change. It's like going from City to Suburb, where things slow down and pick up depending on where you find yourself on Grand River. The Alto Sax plays second to a melodic Vibraphonic, Celeste. As they both endeavor to capture the uniqueness that Grand River offers. 5. The Good Ol' Days. . A nostalgic trip down memory lane. When times were a lot better. When there was respect for the Elderly and all the young had manners. When families used to get together and enjoy the simple things in life. A time before there was Cell Phones, e-mail, Electric or Hybrid engines. A time when everyone knew everyone as family, and everyone was your friend. Think of that time as this song paints a picture of a Large family reunion where people are gathered some in the back yard, some on the Front porch. And the dog is running freely as everyone is getting ready to eat. People are laughing and playing games. Man those were the Good Old Days... The Alto Sax tells you to sit down as it tells you about those days. Listen to its Story... You're going to love it. 6. My Baby Girl. (AKA Bren). Everyone has that special person in their lives. For some it is literally their Baby Girl that they have been blessed with in their lives. For some it is a Girl Friend. For some it is a Fiancé. And then for some, like me, it's their wife of eighteen years. Whoever this person is in your life. Take a moment to think about them as you listen to the Soprano Sax harmonize with itself to a light Electric Piano. It breaks away from its Lullaby like beginning where the Piano lays down the suppression chords as the Soprano fights the urge not to shout She's my Baby Girl. Wonderfully done. 7. Just Kool. There are some people that we meet in life who have it all figured out. They are great people. It seems that everything, from the way they walk, talk, think and conduct themselves is totally appropriate for all occasions. When it seems as though things are turning hectic... These people are Calm... Kool... and Collected. Some are born that way; some are trained to be that way. This song exemplifies all that makes us Kool in our own little way. As the Bass drives us to its repetitive line of reasoning, All the other instruments blend in to an arrangement of intrigue and mystery. As the Koolness is taken to another level by the Simply Aggressive Melody of the Saxes. It's a Fun and exhilarating composition. Makes you want to dance. 8. A Minor Movement. Some of us like Classical, some of us like Jazz. And then some of us are everything in between that. Get ready for one of the most enriching musical experiences ever put to your ears. The potential of this song is limitless. It has been called "Totally Captivating" by some. This song has the ability to take you on a voyage of insight, as it enlightens in some a thing that they may have tried to deny for years. That yes... I like Classical or yes... I like Jazz. For all of you on opposite ends of the Musical Spectrum This song inspires the coining of a new Phrase, maybe even a new musical style altogether. Jazzical. Open your minds and listen as your journey begins. You won't expect what happens in the pinnacle of this song. This song pushes the Alto horn to an eager verse by verse variation that ends with an expressive flurry of activity. 9. Catchin The A Train. (Originally Written by Duke Ellington as Take the A Train). There is none Greater than the masters in the past, this is my humble attempt to say thank you. It goes back to that Big Band feel. Up tempo and Hard hitting. It moves. With the consistency of a Locomotive the Alto horn takes a traditional approach to a tribute to the great ones, while still maintaining its own identity. This interpretation is exhilarating. 10. Cryin The Alto Blues. There is a Bluesy fusion that happens to all of us at crucial times in our lives. Sometimes it occurs at a tragic intervention, such as when a loved one passes on. There is so much pain that sometimes all we can do is moan out of shear anguish. And then at other times, we don't moan, we are just kind of left with a feeling of despondency. And then there are times when we can't say a word or are too tired to think how we feel. That's when this song does the most. It kind of merges with our emotions to tell the story for us, to moan when we need to, to scream and cry when it is appropriate. To the Loving memory of all those who have left us. This song says we haven't forgotten you and we are still thinking of you. And notice the inward weeps of an undeniable friendship as the conclusion expresses its deepest lamentations as the Alto Sax whimpers off into none existence. 11. Let's Go. Driving, Pulsating and vigorous. An invitation to Clap your hands and move is given by this song. It uses a few different concepts as it intermingles the Bass and Clavsichord in a Funky movement of a Cat and Mouse chase between the two. While at the same time 2 different Drum interpretations run alongside each other. Driving to the same destination with their own plan of how to get there. Now that is Kool. Now the Alto Sax takes on an unusually creative reverberation as it preaches its forceful expression inviting you, almost challenging you to Let's Go!!!. . 12. Dedicated To Love. Now this is where Class and Elegance meet. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to sit down with the one you love whoever that may be. Put this song on and just talk. Talk about anything that comes to mind. Or talk about nothing at all. Hold hands, look into each others eyes, laugh or cry, apologize and make up. Whatever... Let this be the start of the quality time that you have been neglecting for far too long. Let this song be the catalyst to reignite those feelings of Pure Unadulterated Love. The kind of Love that was built on Friendship. You know in the Greek language love has 4 different expressions, Agape', Storge', Philia and Eros. And we sometimes unknowingly express one or more of these. Let this song move you to express yourself in ways that go taken for granted many times. As you will see later, this is truly the Time to Love. 13. Fifth Avenue. . Sometimes when we hear this title we may think of a place such as a street location. That's alright too, but there is another concept that needs to be explored and that is from one of the definitions of the word Avenue... That of an approach to something or a path to it. In this song there is a blend of musical approaches from the Sax's point of view. It has that old almost 40's feel, but what is unique is how there is almost an acceptance to allow an approach that doesn't discriminate against the different articulations that are possible by a saxophone, the squeaks, the falls, the barks. It's different, but look past the traditional as you enjoy this piece that takes you past the normal 4 directions but then migrates to that Fifth Avenue. 14. Don't Worry Billy. All of us have problems. All of us have pain. And in many cases these are the source of our hardship and our anxieties. These are the things that we worry about. But what makes us survivors is sometimes the circle of friends, family and love ones that are always there for us to pull us through. To support us when we need it most. This is a song about two close friends who shared so much as they grew from boys to men. However as they went their separate ways to explore life, love and happiness, both encounter the ups and downs of life as well as its different trials and tribulations, but one friend met with Tragic circumstances, sometimes one after another. So tragic that after the death of his beautiful wife, he found himself years later clinging to his own life. But just like he has done so many times before, he triumphed against all odds. This song was written in one night by his best friend. This song speaks of encouragement and support. It's funny that while it was being written, the intention was to encourage his friend. However in writing it, he found that he was the one being encouraged. I guess as He says: "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving". But no one knows that better than Billy. Here is to Billy for giving me more happiness than you'll ever know... 15. Chasin Forever. . We are all busy in life. Sometimes too busy. And sometimes in our quest for things, life gets so hectic that through all the ripping and running, you seem as though you are taking 1 step forward and 2 backwards. Sometimes it seems as though we'll never get there. And then there is so much going on you just want to SCREAM... You just want to let out a big holler like Godzilla. I know how you feel. Please join me with the Tenor Sax as he is on his way to a race between life, time and emotions as we embark on our fast paced endeavor to find the answers to all of life's questions... Be careful that you don't allow the SCREAM to startle you. 16. Brenda. Now there is no other way to say this other than I love her. My wife Brenda is truly the reason that you are reading these words right now. When I first met her, I knew that she would be the woman that I had to live the rest of my life with. And this goes much further than the Obvious Physical Features that she has been blessed with. Simply put, she is more beautiful than the English Languages ability to lyricize. To put it frankly, Stevie and Ray both whistled when she walked by. For those of you who have seen her, you know exactly what I mean. But look but don't touch. Anyway, her beauty is just the Icing on the Cake. She has a personality that says I'll support you, I'll work with you, and I'll be there for you. And without her, there is no me. I credit her with my passion. If I had to do it all over again. I would. This song was just a small attempt to express my love toward her and for her. But it really doesn't do justice to her countenance. Please listen in as the story unfolds of how this man meets this beautiful woman, and how he tries to impress her to fall in love with him. I don't want to tell the end of the story, but it works... 17. I Want And Need You. Why do we love them...? Is it because we Want them, or is it because we Need them? You know it's been said that I Want the things that I need, and that I need the things that I want. Which is true in your case, do you want your loved ones? Or do you need them? Well listen in as this battle is whispered repeatedly underneath a Smoothly done Alto Sax which preaches and pleads the case for both parties. Of course this song fits perfectly for a married couple, but has been argued to be appropriate for any individual that has Love for one another. Because, after all, don't we Want and Need all of our love ones.... 18. Blowing the Horns. This interlude is a Blending of the Alto and Tenor Saxes who in there own voices introduce a series of strong beats of determination and drive. The repetitiousness of this brief encounter gives a unique but familiar grouping of harmonious rhythms to showcase a tightness that comes with Unity. Unity of the mind, body and soul. They'll blow together giving birth to a parade of percussion that fades so gently into time. 19. A Time To Love. For every occasion, there is an appointed time under the Sun, but none more crucial than this... A Time To Love. With so much uncertainty in this world, isn't it wonderful when we can just stop and take time to love one another. It happens from time to time... For instance once a year people sing songs, decorate their homes and there is so much love around that it makes you wish that every day was like that. But in reality, it can be if we just stop and take the time to love. If everyone showed each other the kind of love that they wanted in return, wouldn't this be a better place. Wouldn't our family lives be better, wouldn't our jobs be better, and even our neighborhoods. There would be none of the problems that stem from hate... because everyone would love one another. Well one day, one day...but you know what... we are a day closer to that happening. Because, with each passing minute, hour, and day, we're closer to A Time to Love. So I ask you friend, what time is it? Please sit back and let the chimes of time take you to a place where Love is the Theme and time serves it up continuously in this wonderfully done piece entitled A Time To Love. The fullness of the Alto Sax almost breaks the sound barrier as it screams I Love You with every note it cries. What makes this love so special is that it crosses all boundaries and knocks down all obstacles. The kind of love that is not swayed by color, race, nationality, ethnic group, creed or social or economical status. The Kind of Love that is pure, wholesome and all accepting. Simply put, it's Love. And there is no better time than this... A Time To Love.