Sydney-based New Zealander Eddie Coulter (Pacha Recordings) recently dropped his Sorry Shoes debut Lost In Miami, and here comes Press Go Eddies signature style is stylish deep house and tech grooves; lush organic sounds ripe for those unbeatable 300 days a year of Sydney sunshine. On the remix, Sorry Shoes regulars Giese (also of Komm_unity, and rotfenstermusik projects) and Mike Kelly (Baroque, Plastic Fantastic) knock up a seriously deep re-work, one destined for plays on sunset terraces taken to the next level by Dylan Naylor (Cologne Philharmonies lead violinist)! Early supporters: Harry Lemon / Lemon 8, JJ Mullor, Slider N Turner, Berlin FM, The NightOwls, Niki Belucci (Radio FG), 4Play Radio Australia), Sine FM, Robbie Lowe, Sean Norvis, Bruno Kauffmann, Cyber Beat FM, Maverickz, Pee Wee Ferris, THE ELECTRO FRENCH CONNECTION SHOW (ngaradio) Eddie Coulter Press Go SORRYSHOES101 General Release 10.01.2014 - (P) & (C) Sorry Shoes 2013 facebook.com/sorryshoesrecords - soundcloud.com/sorry-shoes facebook.com/djeddiecoulter -.soundcloud.com/eddie-coulter soundcloud.com/giese soundcloud.com/djmikekelly - facebook.com/naylordylan