

  • 流派:Folk 民谣
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2015-02-11
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


Warning: music will cause happiness, spontaneous smiles, some tears, and involuntary body movement. Indications are a tapping toe, an infectious smile, and happiness within your soul. Listen at your own risk. In the north west corner of the North American Continent, on the east side of the great Cascade Mountain Range, that separates the water drenched west side from the high mountain desert plains of the eastern portion of that state, there is a small piece of land located on the Colville Indian Reservation called Good Farms. Each year as the season changes from hot, to warm and sunny, on the third weekend in September there is a music festival at Good Farms. It is called “Goodstock” The small farm is nestled on the bank of the Okanogan River. The field is manicured throughout the year, in preparation for those who come and sit, to listen, to be, to enjoy life. There is a sense among those who come that this is an awakening. It’s as if there is a power at work in all those who participate, an energy, a desire to live, to breathe, to be at peace with the earth. To sit among the tall pine trees, to drink in the songs from their brothers and sisters who come to spill their stories, their rhymes, and their discoveries. One by one, two by two, three by three they come, they sing. They bring instruments of music and play them. Piles of debris that were ready to burn were turned into a rustic amphitheater for musicians and singers, and for those who come to lend their talents. This live album was created from those artists who graced our stage and captivated the listeners with their songs. On this album you will hear: Tim Snider, world class violinist using electric violin and looping techniques that you almost have to see to believe. Whether playing for 175,000 people or a small room full of listeners, Tim ‘brings it’ with heart pounding compositions that leaves one with a sense of awe. He has played the Glastonbury Music Festival while doing a European tour with Rodney Branigan. Tim is truly a World Class player. Spoonshine, members Jacob Navarro and William Cook. “Stay close to this band; Spoonshine is the gold standard for Northwest folk and Americana.” Adam Bates, What’s Up Magazine. (review of “Beloved Shadow” EP) Bradford Loomis marries grit and melody to dig to the roots of American folklore and speak of the raw reality of the human condition with passion. His stories span several lifetimes of relatable emotions: bitterness and loss, deep longing and regret, enduring hope and love, elation and joy. Sarah Benedict Gerritson is bursting upon the Seattle singer/songwriter scene like a revelation: a vocalist with a strong and versatile instrument, a rocker’s nervy instincts, and a respect for alternative country Americana traditions that choreograph well with the Northwest’s current crop of songtellers, without following in their wake. (Sarah Gerritson Origin Album) Whitney Monge’ Alternative Soul Music. There is much to be said about Whiteny, much like every artist on this album, you would do well to seek out their websites and listen to more of their music. “When an artist of Miss Monge’s caliber chooses to keep going, it’s not because of ego, or vanity, it’s because her blood is lined with a substance almost every other successful person in any industry has, and as long as she breathes, it’s flowing.” – Thomas Starks, Seattle’s Working Musician (Apr 22, 2011) Good4U, A band of brothers with one sister. Teresa Good at the center belting out smoky, bluesy, and jazzy riffs while Bubba (Bob Day) tears it up on his Tele. Ralph Bangs on every horn ever made adds the fills that keep the music moving in-between the well placed drum chops laid down by Teddy Ray Plumb. With her husband Lonnie Good on bass and acoustic as he holds the bottom end together as well as sharing lead vocals. Nick Foster is a songwriter from Seattle, WA. He makes use of a compelling folk and country songwriting style, exploring genres ranging from stripped-down acoustic to indie rock, alt country and blues. Supported by a revolving band of prominent Seattle musicians, the lyrically driven songs are centered in a sincere and earnest tone and punctuated by an unyielding honesty. His ballads contrast a warm and emotive character with a sense of urgency and longing, while more dynamic, full-band numbers offer a sometimes biting attitude. Daniel Kirkpatrick & The Bayonets, "Tom Petty meets Bruce Springsteen with a little Clapton influence on the guitar." -Taryn Daly 92.9 KISM FM. “There’s a feel here of music that you can wrap yourself in. A caring soul, rare enough in music or anywhere these days. Music that gets you reflective.” By Brian Arsenault, The Record Rack. Olivia De La Cruz feels at home in many places. The Seattle-based singer-songwriter rambles across half a continent as the seasons change, performing shows and gathering musical inspiration. From the Washington wine town of her childhood to the laid-back Mexican surf village where she spends her winters, she feels comfortable wherever she wanders. Her heart’s true home is in her music. At the urging of a friend and mentor, Washington artist Vicci Martinez (Republic Records), de la Cruz moved to Seattle in 2008 to commit herself to music. Inspired and supported by Seattle’s tight-knit arts community, de la Cruz blossomed into a songwriter who is unafraid to expose her heart and speak the truth. Hippies On Vacation Highlands Back Porch Acoustic/Electric songs with slide guitar, lead acoustic guitar, bass and drums. A regular bunch of guys that make you want to sit closer to the stage and closer still to their hearts. The rich vocal therapy delivered by Reed Engel is supported by undeniable acoustic chops by his long time friend John Jones. John was blown to bits in a tank while serving in a combat mission in Vietnam. He needed therapy to learn how to use his hand again. He bought a guitar at a pawn shop and began the journey. His recent trip back to the villages of Vietnam are not unlike his presence on stage with the rest of the Hippies; it was and is sweet. You will find yourself listening over and over again. Their cover of Levi Lowrey’s song, Wherever We Break Down is one of this writers favorite songs. Kayla Nicole Good; Can you say, “catch a rising star?” It will be hard to do as this as this young lady is trekking across the globe. She is taking with her, one Martin back packer guitar and a heart full of dreams to bring joy to children in Africa. March Of The Elephants is one of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard. It resonates with each listener, bringing out different interpretations from each. It’s a voice crying out from somewhere for us to listen and learn from the earth shaking March Of The Elephants. Banner Days When artists Beth Whitney and Bradford Loomis began writing together, they had no idea their casual co-writing experiment would blossom into the much anticipated album The Banner Days (releasing August 23rd on MTS Records). From that first time they played together, along with Beth’s husband/collaborator Aaron Fishburn, the chemistry has been powerful. The combination of Beth’s delicate, pure, and melodious voice and Bradford’s soulful, growling tone makes for a beautifully heart wrenching harmonious blend. Their dramatic crescendos, minimalist intensity, through intricate harmonies have elicited comparisons to The Civil Wars, the Swell Season, and Robert Plant and Alison Krauss’ Raising Sand. Blake Noble began playing the yidaki (didgeridoo) at age 13. He was taught by aboriginal elders near his home in Eastern Australia. He was given their blessing to go and to play for others, and that he does. Along with a 12 string guitar that looks like it’s held together with the tape it is adorned with. He includes some cool technical stuff that called looping. At his heart he is a percussionist; one look at his guitar will tell you something is different. Some may call it slap guitar, but I simply call it awesome. Get some rhythm tracks looping, add is some kick, and then hit the didgeridoo and you’ve got full tilt Australian back woods boy meets techno funk. Totally mesmerizing. Cody Beebe & The Crooks Ok, I don’t even know where to start so I’m just going to post some press reviews. I think that’ll be a good jumping off point. “One of the most memorable rock ensembles in the northwest” – Alina Shanin // “They nearly blew the roof off the joint with their energetic, high charged roots-rock assault” – Chris Senn // With Cody Beebe & The Crooks, a new breed of southern rock is alive and well, and oddly enough, it comes from the northwest.” - Derek Tobias // “Razor-Sharp riffs, thunderous drums, and hair-raising vocals.” Ross Carlson//” Add to all this, Cody is joined on the Goodstock stage with Pauline Wick. You may have caught one of the Wicks tours already and know the hair raising vocals contained in that sweet soul. Goodstock, Come if you dare, listen at your own risk, you’ve been warned this is what real music is about. If you are not moved by something on this album we would encourage you to seek immediate medical attention. Come... come see... come hear Goodstock. 3rd weekend each September.
