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His album "one more try" was nominated for the ACMF-Award "album international" He was one of the finalists for the "Köstritzer Live Award 2007" in corporation with the big radiostation Landeswelle Thüringen He got the best critics and a lot of compliments from a lot of national and international journalists It's songs are played in the radio and not only in Germany, in GB, Ireland, Australia, USA, Canada, Japan and other countries too He was playing a sucessful "ONE MORE TRY TOUR 2008/2009" The READY TO CRUISE TOUR 2010 brought Marc and his band to Spain, Italy, Malta and Tunesia Now they are planning the shows for 2011/2012 Marc's Music Take a shaker with a bit of acoustic music, new country, singer/songwriter, bluegrass, roots, folk, blues and a lot of feeling, soul, emotions, heartblood, humor, action & dynamics. Then you need a pinch of outlaw, passenger, vagabond, dreamer & poet. Now shake it very very well, so that it is not possible to smell or taste the separate ingredients. Then you know what Marc Tyson is. It's just Marc Tyson.