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ABOUT THE SONG: So how did the new single come about? “It was all about the lyrics,” says davidmahr. “I had written the original version of the song years ago and it came up when Spencer and I were talking about the passage of Proposition 8 in California. And suddenly, a song that we’ve been kicking around for years found its meaning, its home.” The two retreated to their studios in San Francisco and West Sacramento to tackle programming and recording, eventually emerging with a club-friendly track that’s both biting and optimistic at the same time. davidmahr was especially excited to reunite with members of his first band, The Innosynths, for the backing vocal recording sessions. “It was great to have the band back together, even for the short-term,” says davidmahr. “We all love singing together and I think the song is better for it.” The recording led to a music video that davidmahr released exclusively on the web. “It helped me,” said davidmahr. “I was very upset about the passage of Prop. 8 and this video was a way to express my frustration. While a lot of the song is certainly an indictment of the scare tactics used to pass Prop. 8, it was still important to me to leave people with a more positive message -- that things don’t have to stay this way, that things can get better, especially if we as a nation can stand together and recognize that ultimately we’re all human beings and American citizens who deserve equal treatment under federal and state laws.” So what’s next? “Oh, nothing too serious,” laughs davidmahr. “Another song about marriage, I think. But this one will less relentless, maybe something you could use in your own wedding -- a song about love.” Lyrics: Well I know by now / you’re feeling weary of their adoration / for false sincerity They smile as they lie / while the rest of us die So much for faith and charity They are relentless, their ideals are phony Their virtuous morals are a play for power and He is a liar, she is a fraud Now you’re fed up, and nothing’s resolved You wish for once / they’d stand and be candid Too often lost / but nevertheless demanding Promised aid is now gone / it’s time to move on You know they don’t want to blame themselves For one more adoring fan, it’s something you can’t understand When you see their reality And even though you try to be like everyone they want to see I think it’s time we found a life of our own And they’ll say “I don’t want to hear it, not my problem you see, So don’t come crying to me.” Yeah... I know it’s hard / but you must keep your courage Know in the future / we’ll create a better age Though their words are a fraud, show strength in your cause And show the world how it should be - Yeah! They are relentless, their ideals are phony Their virtuous morals are a play for power and He is a liar, she is a fraud Now you’re fed up, and nothing's resolved We can create a better age.