- 歌曲
- 时长
大自然的崇高使感受汇聚,人们往往能在游历中得到启发。古今艺术家同样透过游历诱发出敬畏、无限或微小的感受,并试图在不同的创作领域中重现这种体验。 《稻浪四时》以谢稚柳和陈佩秋在游历山水后的创作出发,利用人工智能方式运算,将他们笔下的四季转化成环形全景,再复合在稻田之上,以动态及音乐呈现四时更迭,让观众感受两位画家不同的创作节奏,塑造出四时之境的「新画布」。「新画布」统合了不同媒体,结合数位与类比等艺术表现,意图让观众进入一种崭新的情绪及感官体验。 观众可置身于以谢、陈的美学为基础而再创作的维度之中,以色彩和速度、风和声,经历二人对自然的感悟。 We are often moved by the grandeur of nature while travelling. Similarly, artists in the past and today felt reverence for the infinity of nature and their own dimensions in the universe through their excursions. They are motivated to recreate such experiences through various artistic genres. The Seasons Field is an installation inspired by Xie Zhil'u's and Chen Peiqiu's works after their travels through natural landscapes. It Uses Al algorithms to transform their depictions of the four seasons into a panoramic view that is superimposed onto a paddy field. This arrangement captures the seasons transitions and Xie and Chen's different painting patterns, weaving a "New Canvas" that features landscapes of the seasonal cycle. "New Canvas" integrates various media as well as art forms like digitalisation and analogy, in an attempt to provide an unprecedented emotional and sensory experience. Based on the aesthetics of Xie and Chen, this installation immerses the audience in dimensions where they can experience the duo's sentiments towards nature through pace and colour, wind and sound.