Whisper Factory

Whisper Factory

  • 流派:流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2019-03-29
  • 唱片公司:草台回声
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Mr Asbo & Soulspeak: Whisper Factory(Cao Tai Records) Mr Asbo 和Soulspeak联合出品:耳语工厂 (草台唱片) 从音乐上,我们想要平衡黑暗的沉重和蛋壳的精巧 This album has melodies that fade in and out, background to foreground.  Whispers constantly surround Mr Asbo’s low thundering voice.  Bright fluttering synths circle around beams of light. 这张专辑有淡入淡出的旋律、背景和前景。梦呓般的呢喃不断环绕着Mr Asbo低音炮般的嗓音。明亮夺目的合成围绕光束旋转。 The focus in the production of this album, was to give the listener a feeling of constant change.  To draw one into a familiar world and to deconstruct and then rebuild it.   Asbo’s voice dances with synthesizers and drums.  The sub bass cover’s him like sunrays.  He feels close and yet so distant as well.     这张专辑的制作重点是让听众感受持续的变化。把听众带入一个熟悉的世界,然后再解构、重建这个世界。Asbo的嗓音与合成器和电子鼓起舞。超低音象太阳光一样覆盖着他。他感觉很亲近,但又很遥远。 We began working together 5 years ago. We met at a jam session at a friend’s studio. I picked up a guitar and started playing broken chords and he started to sing. When i heard him sing, I though he was singing in a foreign language. Then I realized it wasn’t any language at all. I like nonsensical languages.  I like fairy tales.   5年前我们开始合作。我们第一次见面是在一个朋友的工作室。那是一次爵士的即兴演奏,我捡起一把吉他开始弹分解和弦,他就开始唱。一开始我以为他正在用外语唱歌。后来我意识到那根本不是任何一种语言。我喜欢那种无意义的、碎片化的语言。 我喜欢童话故事。 —— Musically, we wanted a balance of the heaviness of the dark and the delicateness of a egg shell. Asbo has the voice of a man who has smoked too many cigars, a voice that is both dark, fragile, and on the verge of dissolving into the air. We wanted to be able to not only compliment his voice at times, but also destroy and take it apart. To make certain emotions heavier like there was a crack in the ground and the gravity was so heavy that you were pushed into the cracks. Also to make certain tracks balanced, where as a heavy deep smoky voice was somehow placed onto a cloud and floating. Familiar melodies were carrying the voice into a fuzzy atmosphere. 从音乐上,我们想要平衡黑暗的沉重和蛋壳精巧。Asbo的嗓音,是一个抽了太多雪茄的男人的嗓音;一个既暗黑又脆弱,又似乎会消失在空气的边缘的嗓音。我们希望,不仅能有时赞美他的声音,但也会毁灭并把它拆开。为了使某些情绪更重,就像地上有裂缝,内中引力强大到把你生生地拽下去。也为了某些歌曲的平衡,那里的暗黑的低音炮声线,不知何故被放置于云端漂浮。这些熟悉的旋律,将这种声音带入一种模糊/失真的氛围中。 Most importantly, we wanted some “意外” in the music, in the stories, in the sound. Things that somehow pop out and drag you out of the sound world into your immediate surroundings and then throw you back in. 最重要的是,我们想在音乐、在故事和声音里,有一些“意外”。这些 “意外”,随性而发,不可复制,把你从音乐的有声世界里拖拽出来,融入当下的场景,然后又把你扔回去。 For us, this is a pop record. Our approach is to make memorable melodies but to have the elements that surround the melodies feel like they are on the verge of exploding or melting. It is a pop record filled with experimentation, improvisation, but ultimately, composition. The music was composed as individual sound worlds where hopefully the listener can weave in and out of. 对我们来说,这是一张流行音乐专辑。我们的方法是创作难忘的旋律,但要让围绕旋律的元素在爆炸或融化的边缘。这张唱片充满实验、即兴创作,但最终,还是创作。音乐是由单独的声音世界构成的,期待听众能自由地进进出出。 ——— 1. Chocolate Lullaby: A single melodies weaves throughout the entire song, slowly lulling into a trance. A lullabies for adults, or adults who have been already locked into a dream world. 巧克力摇篮曲:单旋律贯穿整首歌曲,慢慢地陷入恍惚状态。这是一首成人,或者是那些已经受困于梦幻世界的成人的催眠曲。 2. Dimple Cup: We drink joy, wine, and warmth from your dimple. 酒窝杯:我们饮下你酒窝里的愉悦、美酒和热情。 3. Rubik’s Cube House: We walk into a maze where the walls are adorned with melting colors. We run through the maze but are stuck. We run into the gatekeeper who just looks at us and smiles. 魔方屋:我们步入迷宫,融化的色彩装饰了它的墙。我们穿过迷宫但被卡住。我们奔向看门人,他只看着我们微笑。 4. Slow Cannonball: We step on a battlefield with broken toy soldiers. We march towards gunfire into rays of light. 雪炮弹:我们带着破损的玩具士兵踏上战场。我们朝着炮火行进,走向光芒。 5. Your Hands Are My Heart: Pillow talk. Melodies fly into your sleep while you like naked in a familiar bed. 你的手我的心:枕边细语。当你喜欢裸身在一张熟悉的床上,旋律会飞入你的睡眠。 6. Father Firefly: Your father is a firefly. He tells you to be free. You wonder what if what he tells you really exists. 萤火虫爸爸:你爸爸是萤火虫。他告诉你要自由。你想知道,如果他告诉你的是真的存在会怎样? 7. Sad Nova: ??? 8. Whisper Factory: You arrive into a giant dark abandoned factory. All you see are lips bouncing up and down. Then you hear whispering in your head even though the lips aren’t moving. You slip back into a trance. 耳语工厂:你来到了一个巨大的黑暗废弃工厂。你看到的只是嘴唇在上下跳动。即使嘴唇不动,你却听耳边低语。你滑回恍惚状态。。 9. SaoSaoSoSo: You wake up from the trance. Your head seems disconnected from your body. You hear the sweet sound of sirens calling you to follow the voice. SaoSaoSoSo:从恍惚中醒来,你的大脑似乎脱离了身体。你听到汽笛悦耳的声音,呼唤你前去跟随。 10. Silk Beams: You follow the voice into a forrest. Beams of silk flow down from the sun and touch your arms. You forget where you are and float away. 丝束:你循着歌声来到森林。太阳的光束洒在你的手臂上。你忘记身在何处,飘走。 11. Mango Boy Remix: 芒果男孩:
