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each one reach one each one teach one! I am a christian soldier calling out to all born again believers. we have a job to do! God said repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations. we have to pick up our blood stained banners and be that salt of the earth, and light of the world. if God can save wretched humans like you and i he can also save the lost souls who in fact use to be us. our hellbound brothers, and sisters need the key to eternal life. Jesus Christ is that key and we who have the Holy Spirit inside us are the body. we have to reach out and tell the word of God because God loves us and he commands us to love all. romans 12:1-2 says we have to present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service. christian soldiers we have a job to do let each one reach one each one teach one in Jesus name! I invite you to be apart of operation find outreach ministries call: wretch of wretch pros/assistant director at 216-324-4667 or director deacon yarbough at 216-262-3153 or pastor able m. dixon at 216-346-9688.If you don't know Jesus and want to know him as your savior!From your heart out of your mouth say this sinners prayer; Lord I am a sinner I know you died and rose again on the 3rd day for me! please come into my heart and be my personal Savior thank you for being my Lord and Savior help me to live for you in your name I pray Amen![christians/lost souls]If you have questions comments or just want to express your feelings my email adress is;www.wretchpros@yahoo.com Godbless!