

  • 流派:Electronic 电子
  • 语种:西班牙语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2006-01-01
  • 唱片公司:La Cupula Music
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Xera is an Asturian word that means \"work\" or \"task\". Here starts the story of an idea whose musical aspect is only a piece. A piece of the experience that is a nap under the ash tree, or the wind from mount Sueve dragging its memories; a piece of the dimmed words watching the land giving life and giving back all the work; a piece of the kiss in the feast turned into centenarian tears; a piece of the words that were once used to express all these sensations. Words, colours and smells that enrich us and teach us the multiple facets of all that saw us born, between branches, skyes, winds and flowers; between rivers and mountains, unique in each piece of land. The Xera is to avoid losing this, and concentrates its ideas in a way of thinking, called \"Interculturalism\". In it there are no restrictive connotations, defending vigorously the diversity; defending conservation and promotion of all neighbouring cultures and free of the prejudices of their respective governments. A cultural vision that we link from the root to the origin: living in coexistence with nature. The \"Interculturalism\" which Xera resorts to with its symbol, represents the unity of People and land, and their right to be recognized and protected in every point of the globe. From the emotions of people and their land, is born the sound of Xera, that using the Asturian experience as a basis, extends the message of universality that aspires to reach all peoples of the world, encouraging them to self-appreciate and to protect a land and a history necessary to the world.
