- 歌曲
- 时长
When Hawke and I decided to make our first album, we had a solemn artistic choice before us. We could draw on everything we'd learned in our years of traveling the world, making music, changing lives, and growing spiritually to create a work of art that would be at once mournful and joyous, moving and celebratory, evocative and mysterious. Or we could just record a bunch of dirty songs. We went with the dirty songs, and the result is the Bedlam Bards' Take Out the Trash! You may have heard Celtic albums from Windham Hill, the kind with lots of synthesizer and lush harmonies--you know the kind of thing your massage therapist puts on right after she lights the aromatherapy candles. This is NOT that kind of Celtic album. This is Celtic music with testosterone. This is dirty songs about bondage interspersed with authentic Renaissance dance tunes. This is hard-driving jigs layered into tankard-clanking drink-alongs, whipped into a solid frenzy, beaten until peaks form, and baked at 450 degrees. (Serve with Guinness.) This is the best hour you ever spent laughing your a** off despite being stuck in stop-n-go traffic. This is not your father's Celtic music. So if you want to experience the songs that have inspired countless couples to explore new techniques in the bedroom, the music that has inspired thousands of busty wenches to tuck money in their bosoms for us to pull out with our teeth, the music that inspired seven scantily-clad wenches to tie themselves to a tree and whip one another right in front of our stage, the music that made at least one young woman I know realize she wasn't the only girl in the world who liked to be spanked, then this album is for you! If not, then you're just not interesting enough to look at this page, and you have to go away now. So there. Of course, if you're fun enough for this album, you'll probably want the whole Bedlam Bards collection, so check out our other albums: On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity http://cdbaby.com/cd/bedlambards Furious Fancies http://cdbaby.com/cd/bedlambards2