

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2003-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


STUPID (stoo'pid, styoo'pid, stew'pid, stuu'peed, sssstoo'ped, shtup'id) n. Badassed, female-fronted punk band from Brooklyn. Lead singer and punk accordionist Dana Ehrlich's onstage energy has been likened to Chrissie Hynde on speed. Time Out NY describes them as " X but with a better ear..." while the Village Voice says they're "...reminiscent of the Pixies..." and Punk Planet calls them "...dirty NYC rock...". Stupid is also regularly featured in TV promos and show-opens (incl. Spike TV, TNN, AOL, Nickelodeon)and on film soundtracks (incl. "Devils Are Dreaming" and "Jimmy Neutron"). So put that in your pipe and smoke it!! Check for more! Also check for Plug Ugly Mgmt who handles the band. 1. Dana Ehrlich (vocals, accordion, keyboard) stupefied, in a dazed or stunned state; taught herself accordion during the Second World War where she entertained French partisans with Ramones covers. Transplanted to New Jersey where she was promptly run out of town by accordion hating Giants fans. Experimental theatre reject - no, really. 2. Matthew Bixby (guitar, bass, screaming loudly) - slow to learn or understand: obtuse; recognized early on as being either highly talented or slightly retarded. Found wandering on the Interstate between Albany and New York. Probably looking for gainful employment this very minute. 3. Byrd (vocals, bass, guitar) lacking or marked by a lack of intelligence; winner of multiple awards including Best Seventh Grader and Best Camper; very tall when compared to short people. 4. Ben Hoyumpa (drums) pointless: worthless; fell into a pit of radioactive snakes at an early age and gained supernatural kick-a** powers from their venom. Regularly wears tights and a cape when he's home alone. Can kick a can off your head. [Latin stupidus, to be stunned by a badassed punk band from Brooklyn; French stupide, to be French yet stunned by a badassed punk band from Brooklyn.] Synonyms: punk, dumb, accordion, obtuse, loud-yet-listenable, dense, sexy, stupid-assed. Stupid, the most inclusive, means wanting in intelligence: Despite his boyish good looks and rock star moves, Matt is pretty freakin' stupid. Slow and dumb imply chronic sluggishness of perceptions, reaction, or understanding: Dana, a somewhat slow minded dame, was dumb enough to throw her accordion during a rockin' set at Luna Lounge, busting it into a million pieces. Dense suggests impenetrability of mind: Ben, the confused drummer boy, gave the crowd a typically dense look when they cried out for more punk rock. Stupid-assed implies intellectual equivalency of one's a**: Damn, that Byrd is just stupid-assed. -stu'pid adj. -stu'pid-er adj. -stu'pid-est adj. - stu'pid-ly adv. -stu'pid-ness n. ant: intelligent (well duh...).

