Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances

Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances

  • 流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-11-10
  • 唱片公司:索尼音乐
  • 类型:演唱会
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


Whitney Houston于2014年11月10日发行专辑<Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances>。 乐坛最美的歌声… 再听一次,惠妮休斯顿 现场登峰极选 ,绝无仅有的真实演出 席琳狄翁、昆西琼斯、桃莉芭顿、大卫佛斯特、珍妮佛哈德森、「选秀教父」赛门考尔...见证传奇 ◎超过600座大奖肯定,金氏世界纪录得奖第一、史上唯一连续七首冠军单曲纪、第一位连续七张专辑超白金认证等,无可取代的世纪天后 ◎唱片教父Clive Davis全盘监製,精挑细选1983-2009年间经典LIVE演出 ◎终极收录,传奇神曲原音重现〈I Wanna Dance with Somebody〉、〈Greatest Love of All〉、〈I Will Always Love You〉以及世上最强美国国歌演出 唱过无数永恆情歌,最美丽的声音不曾凋谢。现代都会男女情爱史,都在惠妮休斯顿细腻琢磨下,娓娓道来一篇篇刻骨铭心的热恋伤痕。累积突破全球2亿销售量,囊括6座葛莱美以及2013年进入「葛莱美名人殿堂」,累积23首流行榜Top10单曲,并且是唯一拥有连续7首告示牌冠军单曲的歌手。入籍告示牌「史上流行百大单曲榜顶尖艺人」和「过去25年来50位顶尖节奏蓝调/嘻哈艺人」之列,同时佔据VH1频道「流行文化史上200名伟大模范」名单! 在唱片教父Clive Davis全盘监製下,挑选1983-2009年间多场Live秀精彩片段,重温世纪天后现场完美画面。从19岁签入厂牌Arista旗下,尚未发片前随著恩师Clive Davis引荐带领下参加梅里葛瑞芬脱口秀,翻唱经典百老匯剧「绿野仙踪」作品〈Home〉,更是珍贵的萤幕处女秀;知名度大开的〈You Give Good Love〉,以新人之姿,排上美国深夜电视喜剧和脱口秀节目开创先锋强尼卡森的今夜秀;替东家Arista唱片的15週年纪念演唱会献艺〈Greatest Love Of All〉和〈I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)〉,一慢一快的冠军曲;堪称世上最强的美国国歌演出,第25届超级盃领衔〈The Star Spangled Banner〉;為从波斯湾战争平安归来士兵所举行的「欢迎英雄回家音乐会」,一次送上〈All The Man That I Need〉、〈I'm Your Baby Tonight〉和〈A Song For You〉;為南非而唱音乐会中,收录「终极保鑣」原声带之传奇神曲〈I Will Always Love You〉和〈I'm Every Woman〉;重新復出歌坛的〈I Didn't Know My Own Strength〉,是2009年参加欧普拉脱口秀的最后倩影。 With a bold, confident voice that commanded listeners to take notice and a body of work boasting some of the most upbeat and romantic recordings of the past three decades, Whitney Houston (1963-2012) has long solidified her place as one of the 20th century’s most significant performers. But her ability to stun live audiences with her powerful vocal gifts has never been documented on an official release - until now. Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances will capture decades of live recordings and unforgettable memories of a true music legend. From the moment Clive Davis introduced a 19-year-old Houston on The Merv Griffin Show, audiences knew this was more than your average talented voice. Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Performances includes that seminal performance, plus others from three decades of stellar live appearances, from talk-shows (The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Oprah Winfrey Show) to awards ceremonies like the American Music Awards - and all the extra-special performances in between including 1994’s Concert For A New South Africa. This CD package will, for the first time, illuminate a brilliant career as seen under dozens of stage lights and remind audiences of Whitney’s truly original voice - often imitated but certainly never surpassed.
