Functory 03

Functory 03

  • 流派:流行
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2019-08-05
  • 类型:录音室专辑


FunctionLab合辑Functory 03概念介绍 By GG Lobster Functory 03是无名小卒的宣言;是在互联网的杂草丛生中荒蛮生长的少年心气;也是时代以分钟为单位不断更迭,而我们在其中却度日如年的荒诞。 FunctionLab随着失真的鼓声更快更重的2018~2019年后,直接进入了一个新的起点,在俱乐部音乐的“集体叛逆”中,更叛逆地回归到更内心本质的声音、更具功能性的实验音乐。全篇由GUAN带来的异能赞歌,灵刃少女Yikii的能量溅射和Laughing Ears的一曲X世代催泪弹作为精神支柱,由Zean, Akito, GG Lobster, Xhankonkon和Bela奉上足以点燃舞池的能量,并以Mr.Peña, XOXO Miro, Mice和Kieran Loftus为另一个核心力量将BPM以一种怪异敏感的氛围带到150以上。 在选曲过程中,并没有刻意去靠近或规避时下场景内风靡的带有Trance和Gabber等元素的音乐类型,虽然在合辑中不乏一些十分擅长在这些风格中发挥的音乐人。在大家多线程的自由选择下,完成了这份专属FunctionLab的没有其他“气味”的呈现,非常自我但又脱离自我的表达。 哀嚎或者呐喊,为世界上每天灭绝的75个物种;每天跌落神坛的流量明星;以及俱乐部中每天变幻的音乐风格。一切都发生在适合的时机并且看上去天衣无缝,你认为不合理也无法反驳。就像程然为全合辑的ending曲Laughing Ears - Polymorphic Reality制作的MV中:鸽子在电光石火中满屏飞舞,却依然离不开那间房子。如果悲伤有意义的话,我们还要dance作甚?如果dance有意义的话,我们还要悲伤作甚? An Conceptual Introduction of FunctionLab’s Compilation “Functory 03” by GG Lobster “Functory 03” is a manifesto for nobody; it is teenage spirits growing up wildly in the chaotic jungles of the internet. It also resonates with the absurdity of us living days as if they were years, in a time where everything changes on the scale of minutes. FunctionLab’s distorted drum sounds faster and heavier in 2018~2019. After that, it directly entered a new starting point. In the "collective rebellion" of club music, it is more rebellious to return to a more inner essence of the sound - a form of more functional experimental music. GUAN’s powerful hymn, Yikii’s frenetic release, and the Generation X tear-worthy piece by Laughing Ears are the emotional support of this compilation. Zean, Akito, GG Lobster, Xhankonkon and Bela offer enough energy to start a fire on the dance floor. And with Mr.Peña, XOXO Miro, Mice and Kieran Loftus as other core forces, the BPM is climbs to over 150 while balancing weirdness and sensitivity. In the process of selecting songs, there was no intention of approaching or circumventing genres popular in the current scene such as Trance and Gabber, although there are some producers who are very good at producing these styles in this compilation. Under multi-threading free choice, everyone contributed to this compilation had managed to achieve a very FunctionLab “flavour”, very personal yet removed from expressions of the self. Mourning or shouting, the 75 species that are extinct every day in the world; celebrities that are knocked off their pedestal, and the ever-changing musical style of the club scene. Everything happens at the right time, and you can't refute it even if you think it's unreasonable. Just like the Music video of the ending track Laughing Ears - Polymorphic Reality, directed by Cheng Ran shows: The pigeons are flying in the flash of fire, but they still can't live without the house. If grief makes sense, do we have to dance? If dance makes sense, what else do we have to grief about? 简介 Functory 03是FunctionLab将于2019年8月5日发行的第三张厂牌合辑。在经历了过去两年对“先锋场景本土化”的实践和自省后,FunctionLab自信地从杭州出发,将触手延伸到了更大更远的地理空间。收集来自世界各地音乐人个体和非个体的无意识,完成了这张十分自我却又脱离自我的,拥有FunctionLab荒诞审美的厂牌合辑——Functory 03 12首曲目分别由来自杭州、上海、深圳、长春、伦敦、柏林、苏黎世、首尔等地的制作人完成。合辑封面和MV分别由来自杭州的艺术家周轶伦、程然制作。 Introduction Functory 03 is the third compilation from FunctionLab will be released on August 5, 2019. After the practice and introspection of the “localization of the vanguard scene” in the past two years, we proudly started from Hangzhou and have extended our tentacles to a farther geographical space; Collecting music from all over the world and converging into functionlab's own “smell”, self-centred yet separated from self-expression. Functory 03 contains 12 tracks produced by Akito/ bela/ GG Lobster/ GUAN/ Kieran Loftus/ Laughing Ears/ Mice/ Mr.Pena/ XHANKONKON/ XOXO Miro/ Yikii/ Zean The cover and MV are made by Hangzhou artists Zhou Yulun and Cheng Ran respectively. Functory 03 Tracklist/ Mr.Pena - X-Akii12 GUAN - I Only Open My Mouth for Reading Disc bela - 玄武 Black Tortoise GG Lobster – Rivaldo Top 10 Goals Zean - Eyes Akito - Drown My Demons XOXO Miro – 鼓一 Drum Studies 1 Kieran Loftus - Avoid as Teammate Yikii - 蚀变 Alteration Mice - 过肠 Intestinal Passer XHANKONKON - XXXME Laughing Ears - Polymorphic Reality Mastered by GUAN Music Video by Martin Goya Business & Cheng Ran Artwork by Zhou Yilun Released by FunctionLab

