——不负如来不负卿 多情无情皆梵行, 入山终得度有情。 相遇本是机缘聚, 如来即是面前卿。 ——Not letting down Buddha nor you Amorousness and heartlessness are both the cultivation of brahma Ariya, Entering into the mountains one finally finds a certain degree of love. Any encounters were meant to be hazardous reunions, Buddha is in fact the you in front of me. 演唱者:周勇 词作者:傅一山 曲作者:周勇 出品人:周勇 傅一山 上海交通大学医学博士,中国著名脊柱外科专家,兼通中医,佛学。业余诗人,曾获2020年"仓央嘉措梵音海"国际诗人诗歌歌曲歌词大赛银奖。