- 歌曲
- 时长
纪念第一个死于氢弹的受害者——久保山爱吉。第五福龙丸是日本一艘远洋鲔鱼船的名字,因受到1954年3月1日时美国在比基尼岛试爆氢弹所产生的高能辐射而导致一名船员死亡。无线通信长久保山爱吉在半年以后的9月23日死于急性放射能症,因此被认定为第一个死于氢弹的受害者。 和潘德列茨基《广岛受难者挽歌》有类似的意义,运用勋伯格的十二音列体系结合电子化的人声调变,在音律上、概念上都是很前卫的牛X作品…… Herbert Eimert (1897-1972) was a German music theorist, musicologist, journalist, music critic, radio producer and composer. Eimert, a fervent disciple of Arnold Schönberg, felt strongly that his mentors 12-tone ideal could be best achieved through the use of electronics. This classic electronic music reissue from Wergos influential Studio Reihe series features Epitaph, Eimerts powerfully emotional spoken-word based tribute to Japanese fisherman Aikichi Kuboyama, who died of radiation poisoning incurred when first hydrogen bomb was tested in the South Pacific in 1954. The pairing, Eimerts Sechs Studien, was composed immediately after Epitaph. Derived from the same source material, the studies use only abstract musical sounds in a spectrum where the spoken word can no longer be recognized.