J.S. Bach & Busoni: Keyboard Works

J.S. Bach & Busoni: Keyboard Works


Edith Picht-Axenfeld was a much sought-after professor for piano and clavecin, and she taught piano at the Hochschule fur Musik in Freiburg. She represented a spiritual, meditative way of dealing with the piano, in which purely mechanical exercises, including finger exercises and etudes, had no place. In her opinion, the soloist's entire body served as an instrument - and it is precisely this approach that can be felt in this recording. Edith Picht Axenfeld not only plays this music with great virtuosity, she almost internalizes it. The result is an interpretation that is second to none. This can be realized on this new album. Edith Picht-Acxenfeld interprets Bachs "English Suite No. 1" and the "Toccata in F Sharp Minor". While she is playing the clavecin on these two works she changes to piano on thevthird track where she is joined by her long time colleague Carl Seemann. Busoni's arrangement of a Bach Choral under the title "Fantastia contrappuntistica" is a spectacular finale, demonstrating magnificent and virtuos ensemble playing on two pianos. Musical interpretations of timeless value!
