- 歌曲
- 时长
An egyptian composer was born in alexandria in 6/7/1981 .. he's the youngest among he's 5 members family ..his father took his hand on his first step of loving arts and music and tout him how to sence it since he was a little child . He started his journey with music at the age 4, playing piano instrument . But after his family refusal to continue at this career after his father passed away, he joined the hight institute of computer science to become a computer engineer .. After he had his graduation at 2002, he travlled to work at the gulf and there he had a spare time of lonleyness and a golden chance to continue hi s music career .. he has launched his first album with the name ( Scents from east ) at last Feb 2012 and ( Moments ) is his second album , his love for music makes him so many times makes it for free for ( short movies soundtracks )