Make America Great Again!

Make America Great Again!

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2016-09-06
  • 唱片公司:Kdigital Media, Ltd.
  • 类型:Single


MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN THE OFFICIAL AMERICAN ANTHEM National Diversity Coalition For Trump Members Bernard Jackson the lead singer of the Billboard Number One Hit Musical Group SURFACE and Lewis Martinee the Multi-Platinum Billboard and BMI Songwriter of the year award recipient and legendary music producer, have combined to release the song “Make America Great Again The Official American Anthem”. This anthem to American Patriotism is dedicated to all Americans Patriots, Donald Trump and the millions of people that support his candidacy for the office of President of the United States. This musical anthem brings Americans together to stand for the civility that has been lost in this current election. Bernard Jackson is a lifelong Democrat that has been concerned for many years by the promises made by politicians that are never kept. “It seems like the politicians promise whatever the public wants to hear during the elections and then do the opposite when they get in office. The people have to begin to recognize this pattern and stop being so gullible.” Bernard Jackson states. “I’m a life-long Republican and I am upset at both parties. I don’t like what the DNC has done to Bernie and I hate what establishment Republicans are doing to Trump!” Says Lewis Martinee. Both music professionals where adamantly opposed to their fellow musicians claiming Trump could not use their music at campaign rallies. Mr. Martinee says; “The funny thing is that musicians allow their music to be played all over the world by despots and governments they should really oppose. But then they pick Trump to deny their performance rights too. Totally hypocritical and disingenuous. Musicians need to stand on the side of Freedom of Speech rights. Not by limiting their works but by delivering their works to everyone that wants to listen to them. I was born in Cuba and that is what they do there. They limit freedom of speech. My fellow musicians are really mis-guided when they play this rights denial game for political brownie points.” Bernard Jackson further states; “Clear Channel, IHeart Radio and other such music industry company’s owners have political views that are juxtaposed to the views many of these artists are espousing but you don’t see them banning their music from those platforms.” Together, Bernard Jackson and Lewis Martinee want to remind Americans that unity and civility need not be discarded when a difference of opinion exists between two Americans. Bernard Jackson is an African American that is supporting Donald Trump not because of his Republican Party platform but because he wants to shake up Washington with his vote. “I would have voted for Ross Perot just to see the establishment do a double take.” Jokes Bernard Jackson. “Anybody other than the same old same old will do better for this country and for African Americans. The Democrats take the African American vote for granted.” Bernard Jackson Continues. “We must make them earn it! We must vote for Trump in record numbers and force the Democrats to keep their promises going forward. I know Hillary is just saying whatever is expedient for her to win. Her record shows that neither she nor Bill has actually helped African Americans improve their lives. Just look at the community of Hispanics, poor whites and poor African Americans. Where is the promised change? At least Trump is a real entrepreneur that hires and fires workers. He creates jobs and when he earns his money it’s because he leaves a functional building in place. Politicians only talk and take donor’s money for their campaigns. They don’t really understand how real people have to earn their living.” The song is a throwback to Patriotic anthems of our childhood. It is reminiscent of America the Beautiful and God Bless America. Make America Great Again is inspirational and should help ignite the Patriotic embers in all of us. Bernard Jackson has written and performed ten original Patriotic songs that are anthems for Americans. Touching on the bravery of our fallen soldiers, our American Dreams for Patriotic laborers and the need for unity and victory for our American people. Song written by Bernard Jackson and Produced by Lewis Martinee and Mastered by Legendary Mastering Expert Mike Fuller of Fullersound, Inc. Darrell Scott of the NSRC Ministries says: “We love this song it is amazing! Bernard Jackson has always been one of my favorite singers and he nails the spirit of the Donald Trump Make America Great Again Movement.” Bruce Levell of the National Diversity for Trump Coalition says: “We welcome this Anthem and the message of hope that it delivers. Bernard Jackson’s performance is extraordinary and heartfelt. We welcome all Democrats to follow Bernard Jackson’s example and support the Make America Great Again Movement”.

